Comments on: Alex Cross was 100 minutes I’ll never get back Big voices. Little censors. Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ivey West Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:21:25 +0000 At the end of the day, though, they have to be concerned with brand. Clancy’s series hasn’t taken a MAJOR quality hit, but there’s a definite persuasive conservative political bias that wasn’t there before (When Clancy took on politics, they had his conservative slant, but at least it was an intellegent, well-researched approach).

But in WEB Griffin’s case, it’s almost like reading a new series with the same characters. They’ve jettisoned, ignored and in some cases outright rewritten books worth of backstory. It’s incredibly annoying.

Neither of these guys needs to worry about money; at least I wouldn’t expect them to be in a position to “NEED” to publish. But they do need to worry about their brand.

By: Debbie McDuffee Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:14:28 +0000 On the one hand, it’s really great of these authors to give these fledgling authors such a big break. However, I can’t help but think that laziness, not altruism, plays a bigger part in the trend. It’s not hurting Patterson’s bottom line, that’s for sure, so why shouldn’t he do less work?

By: Ivey West Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:04:46 +0000 I’m quite familiar with the “co-authors” game. It’s killing Tom Clancy and WEB Griffin’s books for me. BIG sad face.

By: Debbie McDuffee Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:03:39 +0000 I’ve read some of the older Alex Cross books, and Tyler Perry is a gross miscast in my opinion. I have always seen Wesley Snipes in the role, but clearly no casting directors agree with me! :-) If you’re going to read any, pick up the old ones. Patterson now writes with co-authors and the quality just isn’t the same.
