Comments on: Jupiter Ascending is a mess but still manages to entertain Big voices. Little censors. Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Thu, 12 Feb 2015 04:00:27 +0000 Yeah, it was Titus that tried to marry her.

There was basically…no chemistry at all between Tatum and Kunis. the sudden love story thing should have been either more explored or completely subdued.

Lots of exposition that had no bearing on the rest of the movie… Except for the special effects, it felt a lot more like a trailer for a TV show than an action blockbuster.

essentially it jumps in tone from ‘slow paced’ to ‘indecipherable action’, where basically you are overstimulated until the fight’s over and then you have almost no clue what the heck just happened. Except the plot… the plot is so simplistic a four year old could understand it, It’s just that every OTHER aspect of the characters is completely unremarkable… Not to mention Kunis’ acting, especially, was a bit like watching a politician with a teleprompter.

My biggest beef was with the lizards… How can basically talking dragons stump so firmly through uncanny valley? Their animation was magnificent, but they were just TOO vivid, too much movement at all times… it’s like half their FX budget was blown on bit characters, and the other blown on an action scene that was chock filled to the brim with unbelievability… from catching yourself with one hand after a fall of thousands of feet to ridiculous over-the-top agility and nearly retarded coincidence after coincidence keeping the characters more or less alive. There were at least 20 last-minute escapes due to insane luck, and it simply became tiresome after the first few.

The boots were cool as heck, though. If the whole movie had just been about the boots, it probably would have been a better movie.

By: Karix Mon, 09 Feb 2015 17:35:30 +0000 Titus was the one who tried to marry Jupiter, not Balem. :p
