CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

A burger with its own zip code – Fast Food Generation

Ah, baseball! Just the mere mention of the word conjures up sounds and smells from days of yore. The aroma of fresh cut grass, for instance. Or the sound of pine against the rawhide of the ball. Oh, and we can’t forget the scent of a player on the verge of roid rage. Then there’s the […]

A burger at brgr – Fast Food Generation

As a current resident of a certain Mid-Atlantic state that I won’t mention (though Del is aware of it) I don’t get into New York City too often. When I do I like to take in some of the foods that I normally don’t see in the suburbs. Whether it be from a street-side vendor or a […]

Soy-free, egg-free pizza from a box – Pizza Clack

When it comes to food allergies, finding things that your kids want to eat can be somewhat of a challenge. Especially when they come from food groups such as the french fry group, the chocolate  group and, most popular, the pizza group. With ingredients such as soy, egg, wheat and dairy, a simple pizza slice is a […]

What exactly is fast food? – Fast Food Generation

When I began this column for CliqueClack Food back in 1909 I thought of one thing when it came to fast food: McDonald’s. And why not? The Golden Arches is the epitome of the ‘grab-and-go’ generation with its greasy burgers, greasy fries, and ability to order, pay, and pickup without leaving the confines of your […]

Start your St. Patrick’s Day off with some marshmallowy, sugary goodness

Look, I love St. Patrick’s Day as much as the next guy painted head-to-toe in green (and I mean head-to-toe).  It’s such a festive day as folks burst into flames after drinking too much Guinness and eating too much corned beef and cabbage. Sure, the hole in the ozone layer gets just that much bigger on the […]

The Simple Pleasure of…peanut butter and jelly

Admit it, cooking is complicated. There are ingredients to be gathered and combined, items to be sifted and grated, meats to be seared and poached. It can get so involved that, by the time you’ve gathered, grated, and poached, you’re too tired to enjoy what you have created. It’s during those times that you think back to the […]

Only a few more days to get fat on Thin Mints

Readers, I have some bad news for you. Or maybe it’s good, depending on how tight your belt has gotten over the last two months. In a few more days the last orders will be placed, the tables will be folded and the 2009 Girl Scout Cookie season will officially come to an end. Oh, […]

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