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Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

The search for the elusive McRib – Fast Food Generation

In the history of McDonald’s, many sandwiches have come and gone. There was the McDLT, which kept the hot side hot and the cool side cool in a non-environmentally safe Styrofoam package; the Angus Burger, which featured a third pound of artery-clogging Angus beef on a bun, and the McKrabby Patty, which was only available […]

Look no further than CNN for some inexpensive recipes

When you think of CNN, images of cooking and recipes normally don’t come to mind. Unless you despise the network and feel that its news coverage is a recipe for Socialism.  However, in these times of economic downturn, even the oldest cable news network is turning to other avenues to gain fans. On the network’s website, […]

No joy in soy land (or egg land, for that matter)

Sometimes it’s tough to be a parent. Not in the sense that you worry that they won’t get into the right college, or marry the right person, or choose the right Secretary of State for their presidential administration (because, they will be the next President if you have anything to say about it). More in […]

I’d like some pork with my pork – The Fattening of America

Folks, I want to alert you to a conspiracy to fatten every single American who goes out to eat. We’re not talking about aliens who are slowly taking over by injecting small amounts of cellulite into us every night; that’s just a known fact that’s been on the cover of The Sun. What we’re talking […]

Fast Food Generation: my life without Big Macs

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Keller and, as of January 17th, I have not had a McDonald’s burger or fry in two years. Shocking, I know! Especially since you can’t throw a chicken nugget out the car window without striking a set of golden arches. Nevertheless, it’s true. It’s also a bit […]

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