CliqueClack Food
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Do More With Less


Pork and Shrimp Fried Rice

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t LOVE fried rice — even fellow Clacker Jeff has shared his recipe for Grouse fried rice with us. My feeling is that rice is good any way you fix it. My best friend is Filipina, and when we lived together in college, she would make delicious fried rice for […]

Inspirational chick pea salad

It was crunch time… about 5:15 and I needed a side dish to serve with the grilled orange roughy Keith was so painstakingly cooking out on the deck. I like to think of myself as an organized, prepared person, but somehow the planning for tonight’s menu went south. I had chick peas and several veggies. […]

Three Quick dinners – Redneck Cooking

Jeff’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his Ultimate Burger recipe with us last week…. How many times have you gotten home after a long hard day of work, exhausted and to tired to cook? I have here some of my favorite and fast dinner recipes that are guaranteed to fill you up and […]

Three ways to dress up jarred pasta sauce – Playing Dress-up

You know it’s happened to you: last minute dinner guests, no food in the house, what can you serve? Your pantry is always stocked with a jar of pasta sauce and this-and-that you can use to throw together a good meal — really! In fact, I’ll bet you can make three fit-for-company meals with what […]

Black Walnut-Encrusted Chicken Breasts with Peach Sauce – Do More With Less

Gourmet cooking doesn’t have to entail hours of cooking with a list of ingredients longer than your normal grocery list. Create meals bursting with complex flavors that will please every food snob in your life, easily. There’s not a person out there who wouldn’t appreciate saving time while cooking. C’mon, jump on this bandwagon with […]

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