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Food Rants


I love Tetley Drawstring Tea Bags

Alright, Keith says “tea bags suck.” Fine, fine, be a tea snob. Here’s the thing: I’m kind of a tea snob too, which is why I’m stuck with tea bags. Here is where I once again bitch about something I can’t get in Portugal, and you all sigh with boredom and say, “Again?” Yep, again. […]

Not every garlic was created equal

I wouldn’t say my love of garlic is as passionate as Kona’s, but I do like the stuff. I use it fairly often in my recipes. I ran out about a week ago and I was missing it, so when I was at the grocery store yesterday I made sure to look for some. My […]

Dominos’ cure for insomnia – pasta in a bread bowl

I used to be a fan of the whole ‘bread bowl’ concept. Soup or stew ladled into a small, hollowed out loaf of one bread or another… how is that not a bad idea? Not only would you enjoy the meal inside the bowl, but you could actually pick at the bowl itself in order to […]

Onions are my arch-nemesis of the food world – Food Rant

Is there a vegetable, or any food at all, as ubiquitous as the onion? It’s used in every kind of cuisine around the world, in a myriad of forms and shapes and colors. Most people I know don’t even question the onion’s role in food — it’s just always there. I frequently hear, “Oh, onions […]

What is the tiniest hot dog in the universe?

So I’m peeking over at Twitter earlier tonight and, amongst the stream of consciousness that is (what many people affectionately call) the Twitterverse, I see someone post the term “the tiniest hot dog in the universe,” with a link that I won’t share, since it really went to nothing at all. But that had me […]

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