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Food Rants


Valentine’s treats for the food sensitive

I’ve gotta say it: holidays centered around unhealthy food really drive me crazy. I hate that Halloween is all about candy, and the sugary junk meant to say “I love you” is running rampant right now. With Owen’s food allergies and sensitivities, it’s hard going to playgroups, get-togethers, even school without running into foods he […]

Fun magazine ad from Ruffles – Food Rants

I have subscriptions to two food/life/health magazines. I find myself looking at the ads in those two magazines more than I do for ads placed in other printed medium. Why? Because some ads actually inform us on health issues or give recipes and I also am looking for new food items to add variety in […]

What were you thinking, Tropicana?

I love orange juice. I really, really love it. Generally speaking, it is the only beverage that I keep in my house that is not water or alcohol. That includes milk, by the way, which I despise, but that’s fodder for another post altogether. Like many OJ drinkers, I am a brand loyalist. I’ve never […]

Fast Food Generation: my life without Big Macs

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Keller and, as of January 17th, I have not had a McDonald’s burger or fry in two years. Shocking, I know! Especially since you can’t throw a chicken nugget out the car window without striking a set of golden arches. Nevertheless, it’s true. It’s also a bit […]

Bananas, ripeness and big trouble – Food Rant

There’s big trouble at our house — big with a capital B — and that stands for Banana. Oh, you’d think a bowl full of ripe bananas would be a good thing (and we’ll get to that), but lately, there’s some cause for concern — in the center of our kitchen island is a huge […]

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