2013 The CW drama previews: what the Magic Eight Ball says

This September will bring a whole slate of new television on the broadcast networks. Curious what the dramas will be like? Today CliqueClack previews some of the new shows coming to the CW this year.
Over the past couple of days, I’ve previewed the upcoming new dramas for both ABC and CBS. Today, it’s time to look at The CW. I’ve always been a fan of the upstart network, though I thought last year’s slate of new shows left a great deal to be desired. Of the five that premiered, only Arrow and The Carrie Diaries survived. This year’s offerings, however, look much better. Of the five new shows that survived The CW’s development process, there’s only one or two that probably won’t find a place on my DVR.
There is one big question about The CW’s schedule: Where are they going to fit all these shows? They’ve got fourteen hour-long shows on the scheduled, compared to twelve last year. Nikita is already announced to have a shortened final season — much as Gossip Girl did last year — but I think considering the network’s shorter primetime window, that some of these new shows might only see thirteen episode seasons.
I just hope it’s not one of the ones I really like.
The Hundred (Midseason)
The CW has been looking for something for the Hunger Games demographic to latch onto for a couple of seasons now, and I believe they’ve found a good one in The Hundred. Count this on my list of shows I most like that are scheduled for midseason. In a dystopian future, what is left of humanity circles the nuclear ravaged planet on a large space station with dwindling resources. Because the adults don’t want to risk their lives on an expedition to the surface to see if it inhabitable, they send 100 juvenile delinquents to do the job for them. I really liked the dynamic between in the stories with the kids on the planet — especially Eliza Taylor (Neighbours) – and the adults on the station, including Henry Ian Cusick (Lost), Paige Turco (Person of Interest) and Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy)
Verdict: May the odds be ever in The 100’s favor.
Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: As I see it yes.
The Originals (Tuesdays 8:00PM)
If you like The Vampire Diaries, you’re probably going to enjoy its spinoff. I’m actually marathoning TVD this summer, and am enjoying it quite a bit more than expected. I screened The Originals before I started on that marathon, so I suspect I’ll like it quite a bit more when I get to it again as it aired as a part of TVD‘s latest season. The original has done quite well building a niche audience on the CW, and I suspect the spinoff will do just as well.
Verdict: I’m much more likely to watch now that I’m enjoying The Vampire Diaries this summer.
Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: Signs point to yes.
Reign (Thursdays 9:00PM)
Considering how deep the CW into genre programming with the other four pilots they ordered this season, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to scratching my head at Reign. There’s a big part of me that wants to call the show an attempt at Game of Thrones-lite, but I think that would be a little unfair. Fellow Clacker Deb apparently really liked it, and I think the CW is an excellent fit for the show. I would have never thought we’d find a show about Mary, Queen of Scots that was targeted at the 90210 crowd, but Reign pulls it off.
Verdict: Sorry, just not my thing.
Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: Cannot predict now.
Star-Crossed (Midseason)
The CW has tried twice in two years to build a show around former Friday Night Lighter-er Aimee Teegarden – her pilot last year the Selection didn’t get picked up – but I’m not sure Star-Crossed is going to be the hit they are looking for. It seems like half of the things on The CW started off as stories about star-crossed lovers; I’m not sure the network can sustain the weight of another. Star-crossed’s most interesting plot line wasn’t Teegarden’s Emery and her boyfriend Roman, but the treatment of the group of alien “teenagers” selected to be integrated into a red-state high school.
Verdict: If something special happens in the first couple of episodes, the show feels like it isn’t Roswell enough.
Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: I don’t think so.
The Tomorrow People (Wednesdays 9:00PM)
Since the Upfronts, The Tomorrow People has been one of the most buzzed about pilots out here, and it lives up to the hype. The cast is solid, though I think the CW might be relying just a little too heavily on the Amell family for their programming – Robbie is the lead here and his cousin stars as Oliver Queen on Arrow. I’ve never experienced the original British show, so I can’t make those comparisons … but the remake is very good. Amell does a solid job, I’ve been a fan of Peyton List for several years now and you can always count on Mark Pellegrino to always bring the goods.
Verdict: I’m sold. Big time.
Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: It is decidedly so.
The CW is scheduled to have two mid-season slots available, when the runs of The Carrie Diaries (which has another 13 episode order just like this year) and America’s Top Model end. But they have three shows that will need a space: the two new ones (The Hundred and Star-Crossed) and the finish of Nikita. If one of the other new shows dies an early death, problem solved. Otherwise they might have to try a December-January run for the Nikita finish, replacing reruns of something.