Win passes to see 300: Rise of an Empire in Baltimore or DC

CliqueClack has free passes for an advance screening of ‘300: Rise of an Empire’ in the Baltimore and DC areas. Find out how you can win a pair of passes!
All passes have been claimed. Please follow @CliqueClack on Twitter for contest alerts, news and reviews.
CliqueClack has partnered with Warner Brothers Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer readers in the Baltimore and DC areas an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new movie 300:Rise of an Empire starring Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey, Hans Matheson, Rodrigo Santoro, Callan Mulvey, David Wenham, Jack O’Connell, Andrew Tiernan, Igal Naor and Andrew Pleavin.
Based on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster 300, this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield — on the sea — as Greek general Themistokles (Stapleton) attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. 300: Rise of an Empire pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Santoro), and Artemisia (Green), vengeful commander of the Persian navy.
The screenings will take place on Tuesday, March 4 at the following locations and times:
- Regal Majestic, 900 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring, MD, 7:00 PM
- AMC White Marsh, 8141 Honeygo Blvd., White Marsh, MD, 7:30 PM
A very limited number of passes are available for each location on a first come, first served basis. Simply comment on this post with either DC or BALTIMORE and we will send you a unique code by email to claim your passes. Please make sure you have entered your email address correctly! As passes are limited, we will accept one comment per person/per email address/per household (this is not a random drawing so if you’re a couple, only one of you need comment!). CliqueClack reserves the right to discard any duplicates or comments that appear to be duplicates. Multiple comments from a single person will result in complete disqualification. Please keep these offers fair for everyone.
This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first. Have a look at the trailer below and then let us know where you want to see the film. 300: Rise of an Empire opens in theaters on March 7.
Visit the film’s official website by clicking on the image below.
DC please! Thank you!
DC please!
Baltimore please!
DC please.
DC – Please
Baltimore please
DC please. Great day to ya!!!
DC area please
My pick is DC. Thanks
Baltimore please
Baltimore, MD please
DC please
Baltimore, please.
DC please. THX
DC please
DC please and thank you.
DC please
DC please!
DC please!
DC Please!
DC Please
DC Please (Silver Spring)
Dc please. Thanks.
DC area please. Thank you.
Dc please
DC please.
Dc please
DC, Please Thanks !
Silver Spring. Thx
Baltimore would be awesome. Thanks
baltimore please
Baltimore please
White Marsh (Balto., MD) passes please.
baltimore please
Baltimore please!
Baltimore Please,
Baltimore, please and thank you!
Baltimore would be gr8!
DC (silver spring) please!
dc please
DC please!
My fiancé and I would love to see the Baltimore, MD screening.
My fiancé and I would love to see the Baltimore, MD screening. Thank you.
Baltimore/White Marsh please
Baltimore/White Marsh please
Baltimore/White Marsh please
White Marsh/Baltimore please
Baltimore-White Marsh