Win free passes to see Blackhat in Boston, Hartford or Baltimore

You could win free passes to see an advance screening of ‘Blackhat.’ Read on to learn how to be eligible to win.
CliqueClack has partnered with Universal Pictures to offer readers in Boston, Hartford and Baltimore a chance to attend an advance screening of the new action thriller Blackhat starring Chris Hemsworth. The screenings will take place on January 13. Passes will be awarded on January 10.
In order to be eligible to win passes, you must visit one of our social media sites and retweet or share the post: Twitter, Facebook or Google+. Be sure to Follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, or add us to your Circles on Google+ to be up-to-date on future contests and new articles on the main website. Note that no comments will be accepted on this post. Please visit CliqueClack on social media to enter the contest. All future contests will be through social media.