Cell phone addiction: ruminating about our love affairs with our phones

It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is quit tuning in, stop turning on, and simply tune out every once in a while. And for Pete’s sake stop being a weenie; talk to a stranger.
Anyone who reads my posts has most certainly stumbled over one of my most beloved topics: The Decline of Western Civilization. I’ve discussed this particular idea on several fronts and, most recently, with regard to Cadillac’s new XTS with ass-jolting technology.
I’ve even hinted at the fact I may be losing it. But that was only a momentary stumble in the grand scheme of things. After all, if I can transcribe more quickly than some of my other esteemed CliqueClack colleagues, I figure I’ve still got it where it counts.
And then over the celebrated Carmaggedon II weekend here in sunny Southern California, more proof of “the decline” reared its head. No, no, no … I’m not talking about Honey Boo Boo’s raise. Nor the latest monkey business from Chick-Fil-A. Or the political circus currently taking place as we plod ever closer to the presidential election. Or even the fact you can’t find a good chicken broaster around town anymore, dammit. It came in the form (once again) of a CBS Sunday Morning news report, this time about our never-ending love affair with our portable telephones and whether or not we can pull the plug on our obsession with them.
In a nutshell, the report states we’re pretty much addicted. And while I’m pretty much in agreement with a lot of the report, there are certain aspects of it I’m not on board with.
Of cell phones, MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle stated in the piece: “I think we’re smitten.” No, we’re not. No one who spends an inordinate amount of time on their phone is “smitten.” Come on, let’s call a spade a spade: they’re addicted. It’s an addiction, pure and simple. Regardless of the fact she doesn’t like to use that word, the matter remains and is clear. Why is “addiction” such a difficult thing to say? Don’t sugar coat it — call it out for what it is.
But wait … there’s more. “We’re like young lovers who are afraid too much talking will spoil the romance.” Now, this one I call bullshit on. There isn’t a modicum of romantical feeling when it comes to our need to jabber on the phone or tweet some witty aside. Because it’s not a need. No one “needs” to do that. It’s a want and a desire and people give in to them continually, constantly … and many times without the restraint of common sense. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen that very thing from your friends and associates and the random goofball who happens to be a friend of a friend of a friend. Because you have. And a lot of times we find it annoying. Or out-and-out stupid.
You’re awesome, Michael. And I love your hat.
I’ve taken a bit of your advice and started speaking to complete strangers. Most seem to welcome the exchange. The woman at WalMart behind me in line didn’t seem eager to banter about her Tide Pods. They’re a great product and I merely wanted to express she made a wise choice. I was wearing a winter coat and she was in a tank top. That right there shows how different we are haha. It was only 40〫