Dancing with the Stars season 17 starts off with a bang

‘Dancing with the Stars’ certainly started the season off on the right foot, and the great cast and many changes have breathed new life into the show!
CD: Bill & new pro Tyne were next with a Cha-cha-cha. Kim, you weren’t too far off with the opening song choice for him, although they danced to “Weird Science” instead of “She Blinded Me With Science.” Perhaps that will come next week … if there is a next week for him. It was probably the most painful dance of the night, alternately awkward and creepy. I know Bill will have his supporters but I’m not sure he’s going to be this season’s Andy Dick. Score: 14.
KT: Finally! Bill was predictably a little stiff but adorable. I enjoyed his routine from start to finish – he was hilarious! I especially reveled in the fact that the audience was chanting, “Bill, Bill, Bill!” afterwards. Take that, judges and naysayers! No, he’s not the best dancer and he probably did deserve the lowest score of the evening, but I felt like the judges were a little too stern with him. He deserved at least three 5s! I also loved watching him high-five his fans in the audience. What I enjoy best about this competition is it’s not always about who is the best dancer but also who has the best personality, and Bill has enough to carry him through at least a few more weeks (I hope). I certainly voted Team Hot Knowledge this week! The only thing I found creepy about Bill was how many times he was seen hitting on his dance pro partner.
CD: Keyshawn & Sharna also did a Cha-cha-cha, and I have to say Keyshawn is not up there with the best of the footballers who have been on the show. He’s certainly no Jacoby Jones. His dance was … stilted with Sharna doing most of the work to disguise the fact that Keyshawn did more posing than dancing. He might be able to turn it on at some point but he’s got to get over his macho attitude that the dancing makes him look feminine. Score: 17.
KT: I was more than a little bored during Keyshawn’s performance, but that’s probably because of what Chuck said. I may not have known who Jacoby Jones was either but I enjoyed watching him dance. The judges may have seen something special in him when they told him to refine his technique and that he had the moves but not the timing, but I just didn’t see it.
CD: Christina and Mark followed with another Contemporary dance. I said Christina would end up surprising us and I think she did. The dance was powerful, emotional, expressive and very controlled but it still had a natural flow to it. Like Corbin, I think her real test will come with a traditional ballroom dance but for the moment she is also a contender for finals. Score: 22.
KT: While she may not be one of my favorite stars, Christina was admittedly one of the best of the night. I think Mark and she have really good chemistry together and it had a nice sultry intensity to it that seemed to be a little lacking in Corbin’s or even Elizabeth’s Contemporary. I look forward to seeing what else they come up with during the season. Mark is always a blast!
CD: Bill & newbie Emma trotted out a Fox Trot. It’s nice to see Bill having fun because I was concerned that he was also going to be worried about looking girlie, but he went for it with gusto … and he was surprisingly much better than I expected. He actually came out very light on his feet but he lost the rhythm a bit in the middle and had a nice recovery by the end. He could go far on charm and his fan base, but unlikely anywhere near the finals. Score: 18.
KT: Bill really impressed me – he was a lot more limber than I would’ve thought him to be from a first impression. I think he’s probably one of the most natural comedian-dancers I’ve ever seen on the program and that was a refreshing change of pace. This makes me more anxious for the other Bill’s fate though.
CD: Next up was the season’s most anticipated dance with Valerie & Tristan doing the Fox Trot. The video package allowed Valerie to explain her situation, but she has such a great spirit that you can’t help but root for her. I always feel bad that Tristan gets the older women each season, but I think he has a real winner on his hands this time. Valerie just glided across the stage and had some very good footwork, and the audience is definitely on her side. Emotions ran high, especially with Carrie Ann who thanked Valerie for being on the show, and her scores reflected her smooth, fun dance. We’ll see how she does when they get to a Latin number. Can she pull off a Paso? Score: 21.
KT: First off, let me just say I thought this dance was nothing short of amazing for so many reasons. From the song choice of “Some Kind of Wonderful” to Valerie’s gorgeous flowing gown and radiant smile, they were in perfect harmony and all was right with the world for a few moments in time. Valerie does not look 73 or like someone who’s just had a bout with cancer! She glided across the floor, and I’m really happy they paired her with Tristan. As odd as it sounds, they looked really good together – maybe it’s a Harold & Maude connection. I would love to see Tristan go further this season, as he’s one of my favorites. That Irish accent and smile make me melt every time!
CD: The evening ended with Nicole/Snooki & Sasha doing a sizzling Cha-cha-cha. First of all, she looked great and definitely is not the hot mess everyone knows from Jersey Shore. She’s matured and she seems like she’s taking this completely seriously. Her dance reflected that dedication with some great footwork and hip movement, and I think if people can just forget that she’s “Snooki,” she has a shot at going to the finals. Score: 23.
KT: I’m not quite as convinced about her “seriousness” as Chuck seems to be, but I will admit “Snooki” was one of the more entertaining dancers. She and Sasha seemed to complement each other very well, and I could also see her going far in the competition. She looked like a natural out there, although it pains me more than a little to say it.
CD: The first show flew by with all of the changes, most notably not wasting a lot of time with chatter while waiting for scores (yay, less Brooke Burke asking inane questions and telling everyone she knows exactly how they feel … yes, Brooke, we know you were a contestant once). I like that Tom gets to spend a little time chatting with the dancers and judges and then right into scores. The judges have to get it together though because they were rarely ready with their paddles and Carrie Ann even held up the wrong score at one point! With the changes, Brooke has to lurk back in the make-up room or in the new warm-up area to speak with the dancers, but the more Tom Bergeron, the better. It will be interesting to see how they handle the eliminations now, but I’m liking the changes so far. They haven’t totally re-invented the show, but they certainly have improved it. I think they may have actually breathed new life into the format. What say you?