The “explained away by [spoiler]” I caught immediately … if we’re talking about the same thing.
Most of the implausibilities didn’t bother me, i.e. Chuck Wash’s note about Stone’s hair.
The biggest implausibility that bothered me was the ending. I expected several other things. But … it did give me a slight upturned smile … “titularly” speaking …
]]>There were some “lesser” things that bothered me: The amount of time she re-suited and exited to get untangled relative to her timer, how lucky she was not to get hit during the following debris cloud and how she managed to hang on to the hatch every time she depressurized the airlocks.
I’ve been looking for a fact-check post …. and boom:
Edit: Not that it addresses any of my questions…
]]>Maybe instead of “implausibilities,” I should have said “plot contrivances”? Of course, having never been to space — and after this, never wanting to go to space — maybe there would be this huge chain reaction of one thing after another that one, lone astronaut could navigate. That’s not to take anything away from the film, which like I said, kept me breathlessly on the edge of my seat. But when you think about it afterwards …
Anyway, I still want to see it again.
]]>I was too excited to see the touchstone references that you were talking about. I could “feel” some of that stuff passing me by (There were several times that shouted “2001!!” to me, but that’s as much “close-up of guy in space helmut” as anything else).
I was, however, completely blown away by the third name on the cast list. That’s definitely a result for being in such awe for the first 20 minutes of the flick