Comments on: Oprah partners with Tyler Perry to create content for OWN … um, WTH? Big voices. Little censors. Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: jay Thu, 04 Oct 2012 13:39:47 +0000 LOL! I just dont understand why people are so hard on Tyler Perry. I just dont. Yes, I sometimes agree that if you see one Tyler Perry movie you’ve seen them all. But he has a signature and there’s nothing wrong with that if that’s your thing. Lets check out some numbers. Records show that Madea’s Witness Protection brought in over $65 million. Madea Goes to Jail brought in over $50 million and Madea’s Big Happy Family brought in over a cool $25 million on opening weekend.Total Recall, which I hated by the way, brought in around 26 million on it’s opening weekend, and this was supposed to be one of the best action packed movies of the year. So, it’s obvious that Tyler Perry has a formula for success. Not to mention his shows on t.v., such as Meet The Browns, House Of Payne and For Better or Worse. Plus, he has an estimated net worth of $350 Million dollars. Ok, ok, ok…I’ll get off the man’s coat-tail. Oprah was thinking big, but it just isnt working right now. Yes, she had a lot of viewers on her show, but how many people really want to watch her network all day…especially men. That’s like saying, “hey bro, did you catch that movie on lifetime last night? It was awesome!” That’s just not happening. Dont get me wrong though, lifetime has great movies. However, that’s just not the popular thing to do if you’re a guy. When a man hears the “”OWN” network, he automatically thinks it’s a woman’s network. Doesnt make it right, but it is what it is. So, why not partner with a man who has shown over and over again that he can make numbers happen? We all know that this network will not break Oprah’s wallet, or purse shall I say, if it goes under. However, she is responsible for all the staff that is affiliated with it. So, let her come up with ways to keep jobs and opportunities for her employees. I think it’s a smart move.

By: JC Sr. Wed, 03 Oct 2012 19:07:44 +0000 This is interesting I think Tyler and Oprah can help each other.

By: Jo Jo Wed, 03 Oct 2012 00:00:04 +0000 I love Oprah and Tyler! I believe that if their partnership yields a more serious story line, instead of more over-rated comedy, it could be the perfect marriage.

This blog is so wonderful because it gives me an opportunity to ponder current issues from others prospectives. Looking forward to the next post!!!

By: Jaylen Christie Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:03:26 +0000 Oh, there’s no doubting Perry’s talent, Otto. I don’t hate him. However, you have to admit that if you’ve seen one Tyler Perry film then you’ve seen them all. I need him to step his game up … and fast! I like his films without Madea. Good Deeds was nice, a bit over dramatic, but nice nonetheless. My favorites are The Family That Preys and Why Did I Get Married?

By: Jaylen Christie Tue, 02 Oct 2012 20:59:33 +0000 Personally, I prefer the movies that don’t feature Madea. The Family That Preys had Alfre Woodard and Kathy Bates. It was pretty solid. When written correctly, Perry can honestly come up with some pretty captivating stuff. In regards to Star Trek, JJ Abrams asked him to be a part of the film. It was a small role, but I did like that Perry was asked to make a cameo. It was nice to see him in a movie other than his own.

By: Jaylen Christie Tue, 02 Oct 2012 20:56:09 +0000 Truer words have never been spoken, Norman. Thanks for reading!

By: Jaylen Christie Tue, 02 Oct 2012 20:55:15 +0000 An, you are absolutely right. Business is business, and Oprah is about that. OWN does need to be reinvigorated. The good news is that ratings are slowly improving. I reckon Perry will give OWN a boost, but I think it’s going to take a lot more than that to get some serious viewers for OWN. I do admire Oprah’s tenacity though. That’s a hard working woman!

By: Jaylen Christie Tue, 02 Oct 2012 20:52:25 +0000 Well, I definitely see where you are coming from, Stacey. Like I mentioned, Perry does provide a significant amount of roles for Black artists. I think it’s wonderful. Perry has a loyal audience. Oprah isn’t stupid. She plans on capitalizing on that. I just hope Perry steps his game up. That’s all.

By: Brenda Tue, 02 Oct 2012 18:22:08 +0000 Oprah knows that Tyler Perry has a huge audience and she is hoping that the same audience follows him to OWN. This is a smart move on her part. This is business sense and it’s all about the benjamins!!

Great article, Jay.

By: Matt Tue, 02 Oct 2012 17:51:48 +0000 Man, these comments are really spot on. After hearing the news, I shouted, “NOOOOOOOOOO,” but now that the news has sunk in a little, I can hoenstly say that I take the information with mixed feelings just as I take Perry’s movies. This is bittersweet just like Perry’s movies. Great that he is contributing material for the black audience and black actors and actresses. Sad that it’s the same formula everytime which is over-the-top soap opera drama, drama, drama and then “mammie” character Madea and then more drama that leads to a beautiful wedding. But I can’t say that Tyler doesn’t give us a different role for Blacks at times–manyo f the characters in his movies are successful but encounter tough times.

Yes, his shows are crap. Its just bad anyway you cut it. Poor dialogue, poor plots. Its just poor and sadly, I don’t think that will improve. Why? Well, he has Meet The Browns, House of Payne, For Better or Worse and he’s developing TWO MORE shows. Please. Perry is just loving the crap factory, huh? And apprenty the public is too. I think for him to better his sitcom material, he needs to slow down and focus. He is indeed smart so he knows these shows are crap, but he also knows that many people will still watch and he will still get money.

OWNs rating are in the dumps, but I recently read that they are improving little by little and this strictly a business move–a smart one. But for those who do not like Perry’s material, its a sad day for the network.
