What the Person of Interest press room interviews and recent episodes taught me

What did I learn from my ‘Person of Interest’ press room interviews? I learned that Michael Emerson is a dapper dresser, Kevin Chapman is the real deal, all men love Taraji P. Henson, Jonah Nolan is as soft spoken as his lead and Amy Acker is adorable.
I learned a lot from the Person of Interest press room interviews about the actors and how they view their characters. Michael Emerson is as intriguing as Mr. Finch. Kevin Chapman loves Fusco’s failed hero ambiguity. While Taraji P. Henson loves her character, she wouldn’t mind if Carter rocked a tight-fitting dress every now and again. And Amy Acker is the mischievous sprite we all expected.
It was nice talking to actors and writers that I always respected. I’m surprised you don’t hear me hyperventilating geek-girliness in the audio clips. I never expected in a million years I’d sit across from Amy Acker. But, after talking to Jonah Nolan and Michael Emerson, I realized that the Person of Interest staff greatly respect intelligent women and enjoy casting strong actresses in the lead roles. So, for my overall thoughts on the Person of Interest interviews, additional press room photos, and mini-reviews of the most recent episodes, come on in!
What else did I learn at NYCC? I learned that all men love Taraji P. Henson. If you hear my voice slightly more than the others in the interviews, there’s a reason for that — I call it the Taraji factor. My table initially consisted of five men and two women. All throughout Michael Emerson and Kevin Chapman’s interview they remained relatively quiet. Then, Taraji P. Henson appeared and 80% of the men at the table stood and applauded. No joke. In fact, I only managed to throw out one question when Taraji arrived before the table’s male bloggers/journalists took over. If you don’t hear many male voices after Taraji’s interview, there’s a reason for that — Taraji wasn’t there.
I also learned that the Person of Interest writing staff is incredibly careful regarding what they release to the cast. Taraji didn’t know her character’s name (or that her character had a son) until “Get Carter.” The same went for Amy Acker; she still doesn’t have all of Root’s backstory. Despite that, the cast creates such fully fleshed characters you wouldn’t realize they only received part of the equation. Then again, the casting board chose excellent leading actors. The actors are clearly fans of the work and notice patterns about other characters and themselves.
I learned that I respect the cast and Jonah Nolan has a good head on his shoulders. I also learned more about myself as an interviewer. Last year when I did NYCC, I utterly shook in my boots sitting next to Shane West’s casual handsomeness. This year, I viewed the actors as people and felt comfortable entering into casual conversations with my favorite actors. Is it because CliqueClack’s finally growing on me or because I spent the summer hanging with actors? Maybe a little bit of both.
Did I enjoy last week’s Person of Interest episode because it was well-written or because I met the actors in reality? Honestly, I just loved last week’s show when the crew returned back to business as usual, saving the person of interest with teamwork and emotions thrown in. I loved that the Reese and Carter relationship continued. I enjoyed watching Finch’s post-traumatic stress disorder manifest, Reese’s concerns for Finch, the mini Carter-Finch moment, Carter pulling a Reese, the return of Cara and Snow, and Fusco showing that he isn’t just a pretty face. I love that both Carter and Fusco have their individual strengths on Team Machine, but still come together as a crime-fighting cop duo to assist Reese, when necessary.
I enjoyed this week as well. I didn’t like the first half until I realized what they were doing. Like Jonah mentioned, they’re quietly fine-tuning the formula while pushing in hints of humor here and there. I liked the Easter Egg of Fusco as an undercover spy drinking at the mob boss’s bar. I like that the show continues to maintain threads from pre-existing episodes including Finch’s mention of “bad code” and his continuing PTSD. Poor Finch, each season’s supervillain is increasingly attracted to his brilliance. My biggest fear is that Finch’s chess game will help Elias learn more how his mind works. But, I definitely liked this week’s match-ups that placed like with like including pretty cop Szymanski with pretty cop Carter, CIA enforcer Reese with mob enforcer Riley, and, of course, big brain Finch with big brain Elias.
One thing I didn’t learn from the interviews is why Reese only counted the F-men, Fusco and Finch, as his friends and not Carter. I’m slowly getting over CaReese, but not really. Last season I loved the tension between the two and didn’t understand why we didn’t see their friendship grow. But, this season, watching the two interact in the initial two episodes sated my need to see more. Of course, this week, I reverted to normal. And, while Taraji could totally fit into Reese’s pocket, Carter is definitely the cop on Reese’s back. While I found myself watching both last week and this week for hints of what Michael Emerson, Kevin Chapman, Taraji P. Henson, Jonah Nolan and Amy Acker discussed during our individual press room interviews, for the most part I just enjoyed watching the show.
So, what else did I learn? I learned that I love Person of Interest and I hope it keeps on trucking.
Check out all of our New York Comic Con press room interviews and posts!
I enjoyed reading it! After I realized why I wanted Careese to happen; I was over the relationship then. I “think” I wanted Carter’s role to increase and wanted her to play a more vital role within the show…I wanted her in the show and if she and Reese had this crazy, smoking romance then that should solidfy her role within the show. Maybe some of Zoe fans are experiencing the same “thinking” that they really just want to see more of Zoe and want Reese to be attracted to her to increase her role within the show. Don’t get me wrong…if either relationships happen, I will still watch!
I did not know what Reese meant when he said Carter was on his back…help?
Thanks, Pseudo! Regarding Zoe, I’m going to go back to what Nolan said in the panel. Sometimes there are actors or characters who just stick. Either the actor got along well with the cast or the character stuck with the fans and stood out in the show. The Zoe character stands out for her intelligence (then again most of the female characters on the show do so, which Emerson indicated). Both Zoe and Carter are awesome characters and both have interesting tension with John. However, because I like Carter better, I want to see her character with John. No doubt it’s the same with Zoe fans
An, I think you agreed with me in a different way. I said Zoe fans wanted to see more of her and since Reese is a stable character on the show, her fans will like to see them to together to solidify her position on the show or increase her role on the show. I never said they like her on the show to be with Reese and to be his love interest; I said they like Zoe first for whatever reasons and want to see more of her, so to hope that she will get with one of the most stable persons on the show will increase their changes of seeing more of her. If Zoe got with Brad Pitt, it wouldnt matter because Brad Pitt is not the star of POI and will not increase her role on POI by being connected to him…I think you misunderstood my comment and I changed my mind about not telling you.
Hey Pseudo,
I totally understood your point. And, I think it’s a valid one. But, what if some people like Zeese, not because they fear Zoe’s casting security, but because they just like Zeese
But, you’re right, I partially addressed comments concerning people who wondered why Zoe stuck around.
An, I really wondered why she stuck around other than for creating Zeese. Maybe, I do not understand the role of the fixer as much. If I can share my opinion, I would say if Reese really liked her he would pursue her. He doesn’t seem like the shy type to me.
No worries, Miche. From the few minutes talking to Jonah Nolan and his panel comments, he isn’t the type of person to cast/bring back an actor/actress solely as a love interest. It’s a combination of the person serving as a positive influence with the cast, having incredible chemistry with the current cast on screen, and bringing something special to the formula.While we, as a viewing audience might infer as much Zeese and Careese as possible, the main reason Paige is back is because of her talent and her character speaks to people. And, let’s be honest, Reese is an incredibly broken character. He’s healing, but he isn’t ready for a relationship, yet
Thank you for posting your insights, An!
“on my back” usually means that someone keeps reminding / admonishing / nagging the other person of their actions or behavior. In this case, Reese was saying that Carter was not in his pocket in terms of her going along and agreeing with everything that he tells her or that he does. Fusco is an example of a cop who is in his pocket.
Thanks, Gab. It was fun!
Thanks An I really enjoyed reading it,
I love this amazing show.
I cant get enough of this show. i think reese meant that while Carter will assist Reese in pushing the envelope with the law she’s no push over.
Next week episode is very interesting with carter confronting reese anout dating the reporter in order to protect her. the reporter even kissed reese but i didnt notice a response from reese.
Taber, that is my problem with Reese and women…Zoe kissed him (I think) and he did nothing; the pretty reporter/journalist lady kisses him and he pretends to date her (I think) per Carter and he doesnt respond. That is why I say he’s not into Zoe and lean more towards Carter, because he has all of these emotions and respect for Carter. These emotions maybe not be romantic, but I think emotions and feelings are not necessary romantic fundamentally until we desire it to be so. Jim reminds me of myself so much; his mannerisms and the way he interacts with people is so real for me–he’s super honest and sometimes he can get so caught into what he wants and how he wants it; that he forgets to think about what Fusco and Carter want and need. When Carter said, tell me you are not with him…Reese, said okay, I won’t. So I feel like I know Reese personality and its been pretty consistent and I do not think as of right now he’s into any of these women, but if I had to lean to one, it would be to Carter.
I cant get enough of this show, too.
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