Don’t mess with NYCC Person of Interest fans

I learned that ‘Person of Interest’ fans will do anything for their show. They will brave crowds of people who care more for the DC-52 than ‘Person of Interest.’ They will stand in line alongside Doctors of the Who-verse. And, they will hold their two-year-old children captive when Jim Caviezel appears. In their opinion (and mine), was it worth it? Of course it was!
They cast Amy as Root after the character’s introduction, but sent her episode 13’s script to give her a feeling. Unfortunately, she had just cut her hair (which she discussed in our press room interview). Both Jonah and Gregg told her they wanted Root closer to her personality. Although Amy describes herself as crazy, she’s also incredibly bubbly.
While Jim arrived late, he was definitely missed. The crowd raised to a not-at-all dull roar when he appeared, joking that he stopped to fight crime while revealing he performs 85% of his own stunts. If you can’t hear anything on the tape, that’s Jim speaking. He admitted he does a lot of looping post-filming because of his low voice. He reasons it away stating, he’s a CIA operative talking about state secrets in the middle of the city. Would you really raise your voice? No. Point taken, Mr. Caviezel.
Overall, I enjoyed the panel and the hints dropped by all. It’s a good cast and you could tell the audience loved them. The reason I wanted to give credit to the POI fans in the beginning is because, last year NYCC featured an un-announced one hour presentation of the pilot. This year we received the entire cast, including Bear and his trainer, one of the executive producers and ROOT. Would we have had that if not for the Person of Interest fans, the CaReese fans, the Zeese lovers, the Finch fiends/Michael Emerson lovers and everything in between? I think not. So don’t mess with a Person of Interest fan, and don’t mess with the show. As you can tell good things are coming our way.
Watch this page or the main site for more Comic Con interviews on Person of Interest!
Note: I couldn’t get a clear shot so I resorted to audio. Apologies for the background noise. For Henson’s voice, push to minute 12 or minute 13.
I can not wait to see more of the show and I guess I have a certain tolerance for “teasing.’ I guess the writers have made Reese out to be this type of damaged priest. I wonder how they will evolve Reese’s character in away that will involve the opposite sex. The reason people can not or refuse to not see Reese with a female companion is because he shows little to no (real) interest in [them]. I am concern with Reese’s ability to have a “normal-like” relationship with a woman. I think the whole purpose that Zoe will not be a regular cast member–means the two will not get together this season. Taraji said Carter will get a date this season; its probably, Szymanski or the agent Donnelly. I like Szymanski, but I will like some other unobtainable bigwig more, someone who will to try to lead Carter. I will like it be a dude with a swag like Shamar Moore on Criminal Minds…(hay, Carter deserves him)–I think I am over Careese (sorry, Reese doesnt deserve her, but he does deserve Zoe) Why is Finch asking Elias for help? We already saw that scene; I know that the writers and producers want to show why these guys must operate away from the law…to get things done, but not Elias. I look forward to a show that can portray Carter helping the fellas as ‘one’ of her responsibilities and her heading the precinct and ultimately becoming the Commissioner and turning against them…because they are going to cross the line, they live outside of the law; therefore do not live by it, well only when it benefits them. So if these guys do not cross the line and Carter continues to be a puppet (sorry, it bothers me too), then she will eventually learn about the machine…but will the knowledge of the machine be crossing the line (I seek) and will Carter spend her time trying to shut it down. Okay, maybe she will never betray them and yeah, the other way around too,… so now the show becomes predictable? (and thats a question)!
I liked the term damaged priest, and I like Szymanski and Donnelly two very dedicated Agents and I kinda felt dynamic between Szymanski and Carter, and I believe we are going to be surprised by the upcoming events.
Thanks for sharing. It is good that they explained Carter’s purpose as being the heart of the show. I like the cast and the four main characters. I wonder what is the purpose for the character Zoe. Is it to please a certain type of fanbase? I just do not see the necessity for this character. I can understand the purpose for bringing back characters like Stanton, crazy Root and Elias but I think they could cut out the fixer (IMO). I hope the show continues to do well.
You were right about “The X-Files” comparison to “Person of Interest”! Congrats on picking up the similarities before most people did!
I love the way Carter and Reese interact with eachother. What I don’t get is why is Zoe apart of the show she is unlikeable and has no purpose for being there. I like the relationship between all 4 characters.
Count me as someone that loves and appreciates Zoe. Her and Reese have their flirting game going with each other and seeing Reese in this mode acts as a nice balance to his intense nature. As far as why she is there? I would say because she is smart, savvy and has proven to be an useful asset for the team. Add in she is middle-aged and a beauty. I much prefer Reese flirting with her than some 20 year old bimbo.
I’m glad Paige was invited back and hope we see her a few times in season 2.
I am a big fan of Paige and I love to see more of Zoe and Reese too.
I happen to think that Reese and Zoe could definitely have something. It was obvious that John was interested in her in The Fix, but please don’t put them together for a while, because once the suspense stops it always goes a little flat. Reese gets shot – ahem – Reese has more holes in him than a colander. Jus’ sayin’. Although, that whole h/c thing does please the fans. I have been waiting for years for a series that talks to me as a mature adult with a brain, with mature stars who can really act. Person of Interest ticks ALL my fiction boxes. Long may it continue to do so.
This was a great review of ComicCon and the POI fandom. It does have a much wider demographic than most shows. It is a show that makes you think, makes you watch and look for clues. I just KNEW Jonah was a Joss Whedon fan! Joss has always said ‘Give the fans what they NEED not what they WANT’ and Jonah has certainly done that!
I love Zoe with Reese, they spark and she makes him smile. Do I want them in a long term relationship? no……..but let the sexual tension play out for awhile.
I like my heroes damaged and bad a$$ and Reese certainly fills that bill. Jim Caviezel has finally come into his well deserved spotlight for what a great actor he truly is. He brings a lot of depth to Reese and the physicality of the role suits him. And he is DAMN FINE to look at!
Oh I agree, This is a wonderful role for Jim Caviezel and he is indeed damn fine to look at.
Totally agree, and JC is Awesome.
He is DAMN FINE to look at.
real fine , very easy on the eye ——- :o)
It’s a little surprising to me that Carter is still primarily referred to as the heart of the show. I’m not saying that she isn’t but during the run of POI Finch, Reese, and even Fusco have evolved a bit and those characters have had moments where they have shown some *heart* too. I hope to see Finch and Carter interact more this season. It would be interesting to see how much Finch would trust Carter, especially after knowing how she handed Reese over to Snow. Yet Finch did suggest to Reese to tell Fusco and Carter that they were all working together… This show is so tricky it’s hard to make any assumptions! I guess I’ll just continue to sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for the recap.
Awesome Post An, and thanks a lot for photos of the panel and audio clips,
Love POI.
I love Zoe paired with Reese. Not permanent but some flirting, touching or better yet like “Friends with Benefits”. They can help each other, Zoe fixing the job in the upper level while Reese is working or finishing the job.
Have just started a POI rpt in run up to new season enjoy this “thinking” series. and enjoy Jim Caviezel as Reese a perfect foil to FInch – have been reading a book Discovery of Witches which has beem picked up by Warner Bros – can see JC as main character Matthew. Nice to see a good actor who goes quietly about doing what he does without being thrown all over the gossip pages
Di, I loved Discovery of Witches! It’s Harry Potter meets Twilight, but not in a bad way. I wasn’t crazy about the sequel, but I’m looking forward to seeing the first book on the silver screen! I didn’t have JC in mind while reading it, but another actor (who I can’t remember now).
have you checked out the f/book page All Souls trilogy – like a book club on line with interaction with the author – sometimes entertaining sometimes using a delete button on your hotmail ! LOL – Still like the idea of JC for Matthew ! come support me on the f/book page :o)
Lol. I wouldn’t turn down JC as Matthew. I just wish I remembered the suave looking, dark haired, dark eyed actor I had in mind while reading
so how does one find a “fan club address” ? Have looked on line no such luck -
I also have a level of tolerance for disagreements and I have become highly suspicious of the love for Zoe and Reese on here; therefore, I have to wear my Careese hat again to balance things out and also because I think they have better chemistry than Zoe and Reese. I do not see chemistry between Zoe and Reese; it seems he tolerates her because she is a necessary asset. What I have seen is a woman (Zoe) who has boldly displayed her attraction for a man (Reese) and the man (Reese) has displayed a type of fighting technique called “stick and move.” Reese sticks Zoe with the cold shoulder (no eye contact, controlled smiles, and stiff body movement=stick) and when she tries to warm (flirts) him up…he ignores her (move!).
I believe the surprise relationship in the end will be Reese and Carter. The show keeps giving us hints which i dont have time to list here but i will list one. when the Brazilian POI invited Reese to relocate to Brazil, Reese told her that New York was his home for now. The camera immediately switched to Carter.
Sorry mary i know you are a zeese fan but after much thought and elimination im back on the caree
se bandwagon.
only cbs wed
I guess POI have vacated New York due to Sandy. Be safe guys and everyone in the path of Sandy.
Oh my Careese heart is broken. Just read what appears to be an inside scoop that reese is going to play house with Zoe and it’s going to be off the charts. Nolan is messing with my mind. I guess he plans a happy ending for all: carter will reunite with Taylor’s dad; Finch will reunite with with his Fiance and Zeese will live happily ever after. Say it ain’t so. I guess i can prepare early. Maybe Carter will be maid of honor at Zeese’s wedding. How can you mend a broken heart?.
It is not Careese’s funeral yet! I say we are being teased and not to read too much into it. Its so much we do not know yet. Plus, we were teased about the road trip to Texas…okay, we kind of teased ourselves (lol). But then again dont listen to me…I still think Jen and Brad will get back together
Taber, I’m hurt. I included that in the second paragraph of this post!
An, and so you did. But reading it again really made me realize Nolan may just succumb to Hollywood bias of putting an African American woman witn an ‘A’list actor like JC. Too bad im not the one holding the pen. I must confess that if Zoe becomes Reese’s love interest i cant keep watching.
Dear POI fans
Remember to vote, vote often, vote every day….nominations close NOv 15th.
Vote for POI for Best TV Crime Drama
Vote Jim Caviezel & Michael Emerson for Best TV Dramatic Actor by clicking on ‘other’ and typing their names.
Vote for Taraji P Henson for Best TV Dramatic Actress by clicking on ‘other’ and typing her name.
I love POI, I admire Nolan for creating such a worth watching tv show, I love JC.
Being Zeese fan I have to say again that I really love Taraji and all the women of this show are super awesome, beautiful and very talented actors, I will be a loyal fan of to this awesome show No matter who Reese will ends up with, but deep down in my heart I believe he wont end up with either of them,
I can live with that. But Mary i wonder if you are on the POI staff or involved with POI on some level? you seem to have a lot of information or at least where to find it. But did vote for JC several times as well as Taraji.
I am a Big fan of JC in the first place and I love POI so much, I am a loyal fan too, and I would have loved it to be anyway related to these awesome People, Cast and Creators of POI I mean, but Unfortunately I am not, and Yes I voted more than once for both of them, and I hope all the POI fans vote for them too.
It would be nice to see a beautiful black woman as the next POI. And im not even black but i love variety.
Told you…There was no sparks between Zoe and Reese…she had him alone and didnt take advantage of the situation–maybe she also noticed he wasnt liking the forwardness.
Lol. I’m not sure I agree, P. However, I put in my review of the episode last night, so one of the editors will probably over the weekend or by Monday
I totally enjoyed the latest episode. I am surprised how much I like the journalist; I liked her so much that I can ship them harder than Careese. I totally understood why Zoe had to be in the episode, but totally disliked that it had to be her. I thought her slappling Reese’s booty was typical and it so added to the show, but I cant figure out why I didnt like it…yet. The think the show fell in line with the characterizations, but I dont know…I guess I wanted something more…something different. I enjoyed it but I think I peaked too high and will have to adjust with the writing. I like mystery and I guess learning who HR is was the highest point.