Comments on: Survivor, I think we need a time out Big voices. Little censors. Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chuck Duncan Sat, 21 Sep 2013 18:26:54 +0000 My biggest issue is really bringing back Colton, who was just awful and Probst even said they would not celebrate or reward that behavior by bringing him back, and Rupert, whose fifteen minutes of fame should have been over a long time ago. And I really can’t remember the last time they didn’t bring someone from the past back, but it’s not necessarily the fact that unknown people are boring, it’s that the producers are now too invested in casting “types” rather than people who know how and want to play the game. Everyone up until the first All-Stars season were new faces and only a misguided season in the middle of a desert was a let-down. But back then, they were actually accepting submissions from people who wanted to play the game, not scouring Hollywood Blvd. for out of work actors and actresses who could look pretty and play a part. So the fault with the show at this point lies solely on the producers’ shoulders (and Probst is now at the top of the list as showrunner) who believe that the only way the show works now is by bringing people back to play again and again. And, according to CBS, those players have to be “big” names who viewers will recognize and pretty much anyone from seasons 1 – 10 are off limits because younger viewers will have no idea who they are (according to CBS). The Amazing Race and Big Brother have dipped into the CBS reality talent pool in the past, but not every season and this season neither of those shows have brought back returnees. It doesn’t hurt TAR in the least (but, again, that show’s former glory has been dampened by the producers who have let the show fall into a pattern and have reduced the tasks to less physically demanding challenges) or BB (well, until this season, so hopefully they’ll look deeper into their prospective casts backgrounds and beliefs next year). The whole excitement of Survivor is watching people who have no idea who the other people are interact, form alliances and play the game. Bringing back former players dulls that down (and Boston Rob’s triumphant return and manipulation of his tribe is the exception to that rule). To me, it works better with people who haven’t been through it all before. I actually prefer MTV’s The Challenge series now to Survivor because the challenges are more extreme, and the people playing, who are always returnees or have been on other MTV shows, usually have some kind of history that also affects the game (sometimes the fighting is a bit much though).

My other problem with Survivor now is the editing. It’s all about creating a story that doesn’t exist rather than watching the social interaction and strategizing. It’s more like a soap than a competition, and the previews for the next episode always promise some huge drama that never materializes. It’s like the producers have lost complete faith in the game and are more interested in trying to create drama that isn’t there. Of course, that also goes back to the casting process. Cast good people who want to play the game instead of pretty faces and hot bodies, and you’ll have a show that doesn’t need the artifice created in editing. And if you must bring past players back, one per tribe is fine unless it’s an All-Stars season. Just don’t bring back awful people like the Hantzes or Colton anymore!

By: Adam S. Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:09:50 +0000 Big Brother was pretty awful this year, but I still watched. Survivor is probably going to be better than that, at least. I’ll make a counter-argument to your post: I actually like seeing returning contestants. Remember the completely boring recent season with all-new players that the bridal shop owner (Kim?) won? By contrast, remember the excitement and drama of Boston Rob against Russell (and no, I don’t want to see anymore Hantzes) in Heroes v. Villains? I think they need to get another All-Stars (with people who haven’t played 3 times already) out of their system, then let us see some new blood. Stop mixing the two, because the new people get the shaft anyway.
I agree that Blood vs. Water is a pretty dumb set-up. The entire notion of Survivor is based on people not having pre-existing relationships. And the twists they’re throwing out are stupid, too.
But I’ll still watch.

By: Maria Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:47:12 +0000 The magic of Amazing Race I guess is that no matter how simple the challenge looks, disgruntled relationships will make the most dumb thing seem next to impossible (talking about BB contestants, that memorable AR season w/ Branchel where she wouldn’t stop crying every other stop… ah… good days).

It’s mean of me, but one of the bests things in AR (other than people’s adventures with taxis and locals laughing at everyone) is seeing the interview after certain challenging challenge for a couple and how one will be like “this helped us get closer!” and the other half is looking back like, we’re so done (I always cheer for the person that is getting yelled at and finally realizes what’s going on and hope they stick to the “we’re so done” after the program ends!).
Also, at least Phil will talk to contestants that get out of line (like that one guy that shoved his gf as they ran to the mat)

By: Chuck Duncan Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:39:53 +0000 Yes, let’s hope The Amazing Race can deliver. I’m optimistic just because there are no returning players and no other CBS reality contestants (even Survivor now has a former Big Brother house guest). I just hope there’s no one really awful and that the challenges are … challenging. Survivor has gotten into the habit of recycling past challenges which becomes a little tiring. They need to start watching MTV’s The Challenge to get some new ideas.

By: Maria Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:10:55 +0000 Sounds like the Million Second Quiz rules decided to mash up with Survivor taking a page from “if they have 20 shows about marriages and families it’s obviously a win-win” housewives saga.

After BB15 and Survivor, our last hope is Amazing Race, please don’t disappoint !

By: Michael Noble Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:46:43 +0000 … but … but … but … everyone *loves* Rupert! Over and over and over again!

… and the adoring public *loves* seeing their old favorites! Over and over and over again!

… and Survivor simply *has* to tweak the format! You don’t want it getting *old* now … do you … ?!?

Get with the program, Chuck.
