Robin Sparkles’ latest song: P.S. I Love You
Monday, February 4, 2013

Robin Sparkles returns, perhaps for the last time, to ‘How I Met Your Mother’. It’s Robin Sparkles Four, Ya’ll!
Robin Sparkles returns, perhaps for the last time, to ‘How I Met Your Mother’. It’s Robin Sparkles Four, Ya’ll!
‘How I Met Your Mother’ eliminated my prime candiate for the identify of the mother this week. Is there any mystery left in who the mother is, or is it just about marking off the checklist of clues at this point?
This week in Sitcom Superlatives we reward the good (‘Go On,’ ‘Suburgatory,’ ‘Ben and Kate’) rebuke the bad (no one asked you, Patrice!) and discuss everything in between.
Many people watch ‘How I Met Your Mother’ to actually, you know, MEET the mother. But I think there’s a lot more to the show than waiting for that particular train to come in.