CliqueClack » The Crazy Ones Big voices. Little censors. Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Crazy Ones – How the hell did I not know about this show? Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:56:19 +0000 PilotHow does 'The Crazy Ones' - a show staring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar - go completely off many peoples' radars?]]> Pilot
How does ‘The Crazy Ones’ – a show staring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar – go completely off many peoples’ radars?

As I was hunkering down for the Buffalo/New England NFL game this afternoon (I won’t divert this post into a sports one; I promise), an ad on CBS came up for a show I’d never heard of until today: The Crazy Ones. No big deal — networks have done this before, waiting until the last moment to publicize a show, most likely because it’s a sure stinker. And then … sometimes they screw it up.

Tell me: can a show that STARS Robin Williams AND Sarah Michelle Gellar really warrant this little publicity? Is it because they think its cast will support the show well enough that “publicity be damned!” and they’ll get the ratings anyway?The show can’t really suck already, can it?

I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t heard of the show until today, at least amongst those at CliqueClack HQ. That … probably doesn’t make us look so hot for a TV-related site, huh?

(Edit: It appears this ad has been running for a while, and all it took for me to see it was to watch CBS. Well, that explains it.)

Photo Credit: Richard Cartwright/CBS
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