Host your own Mad Monster Party with vintage monster cereals

If you’ve been rejoicing all September that General Mills reissued all five cult favorite monster cereals in their vintage boxes just in time for Halloween and fall, you might be a cereal nerd. But I’m not going to judge you.
The idea was recently tossed to me by a new friend that I might be a cereal nerd. I didn’t even know how to properly respond to the mildly teasing accusation. I’d never before pondered the issue. How does one determine if they’re just a casual appreciator of colorful, sugary-coated splendor in a bowl or if they have crossed that fine line towards becoming a bona fide cereal nerd?
Well, this depends upon how you define it. If counting down for the release of all five General Mills’ monster cereals in their vibrant vintage packaging – including the re-release of two flavors I’d never had the chance to eat within my lifetime – makes me a cereal nerd, well then I’ll proudly be the first to let my geeky banners fly. If you don’t judge me walking past you in the Target aisle with seven cereal boxes plus the free accompanying cereal/Halloween recipe book hoarded into my shopping cart, then I certainly won’t judge you for wearing that ridiculous outfit or having that really bad haircut.
Available exclusively at Target, if you haven’t already purchased one or all five of the vintage monster cereals yet, I strongly encourage you to immediately go out and do so now. Due to moving expenses last month, I had to wait several weeks and was forced to hit three different stores before I was finally able to snatch them up. These cereals would make a wonderful addition (food or décor-wise) to any Mad Monster Parties you plan to throw this season.
The monster cereals have long been among my favorites for obvious reasons. They signify four things I love best: fall, Halloween, cereal and the celebration of classic monsters. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with the likes of Count Chocula, Boo Berry and Franken Berry. If I had to pick a favorite among the staple three, I’d be hard-pressed to say Boo Berry. I love blueberry-flavored anything, and I think that ghost is adorable with his little hat and bowtie!
Further supporting evidence of my being a closeted cereal nerd for those keeping tabs: I have all the popular cereal mascots displayed in my kitchen (including a stuffed Boo Berry and a stuffed Count Chocula, as well as a plastic Boo Berry bank). I might have a tube of Count Chocula-flavored chapstick in my purse, but I won’t admit that to just anyone. I also made a Lucky Charms blanket several years ago with this fun fabric I found at the crafts store featuring Lucky the Leprechaun and all those magical marshmallow shapes. I guess maybe I am over the moon for cereal.
Can you imagine my excitement when I found out General Mills was not only releasing the monster cereals in packaging to mimic their original character looks and designs, but was also issuing the two fabled flavors I’d heard of but had never eaten? Fruity Yummy Mummy was only sold from 1987-1992. There’s a sporting chance I might have eaten this before, but I don’t have any memories of it, as I turned 10 in 1992. And the other, Frute Brute, hasn’t been on the shelves since 1982, the year of my birth. Here’s a fun bit of trivia for you: vintage boxes of Frute Brute appear in two Quentin Tarantino films: Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Now you’re probably going to have to re-watch both of those to spot them, aren’t you? Maybe you are more of a cereal nerd than you think, but your secret is certainly safe with me.
But what do the two “new” flavors of monster cereal taste like? Heaven on a spoon! Fruity Yummy Mummy has an orange creamsicle flavor, while Frute Brute has a cherry-almost-fruit punch flavor to it that dances upon the tongue in sweet, sweet delight. Seriously, where have these been all my life? I was going to compose a love sonnet or an ode in their honor – perhaps I will do that later.
I sincerely doubt there is any nutritional value to these cereals (I love the fruit and vitamin-charged marshmallow claims in the original Frute Brute commercial posted below). While not a part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast, these cereals continue to pack a powerful nostalgic punch for the inner kid in all of us, poised to sit down in their PJs and watch retro Saturday morning cartoons. Or maybe that’s just what I plan to do this beautiful fall weekend.
It’s interesting to note the change of spelling of the Fruit Brute cereal to Frute Brute.
I’ve been reading online it’s because they don’t want to base a claim that it contains any fruit, but this was apparently less of a concern back in the day. Although the Yummy Mummy contains the word “Fruity” so I don’t really understand the difference. What I mostly love is the fact that both titles rhyme!
There’s a difference between “fruity” and “fruit” I suppose in that “fruity” describes the flavor but doesn’t indicate real fruit is contained in the cereal. I figured they just wanted “Frute” to match “Brute.”
Per Kim’s notation of the “fruity” on the Yummy Mummy, I call “branding” … and not the fact they were a’feared of any reference to the cereal containing fruit.
… like there would be any inkling of nutritional fruit-stuffs in the ingredients. (Even if they were, they would be overrun by the onslaught of sugary chemicals and destroyed prior to them being absorbed by your body.)
It’s a Frute Brute war in your stomach at the anatomical level! Now that’s scary … !!!
You know how people are. If we have to put labels on coffee cups warning people that the coffee is hot for fear of a lawsuit, I’m sure any hit that there may be “fruit” in a cereal when everyone knows there isn’t could also be a lawsuit in the making.
Nice “dis” (unintentionally, I’m sure) at Kellogg’s by featuring the hosted cereals served in the lowly Snap, Crackle and Pop cereal bowl …
POW … !!!
Lol…I didn’t even think of it that way! I just wanted to show off more of my cereal memorabilia. I have enough love in my heart for all of the cereals, regardless of brand or creed.