CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – A Family Thing



(Season 2, Episode 1 – Season Premiere)

Either get back on top of me and shut up, or keep talking and watch me walk out that door.” – Charlotte to Cooper

Life is messy, isn’t it? Especially if you’re one of the doctors at the Oceanside Wellness Group. Nice place for a clinic. Plenty of drama, though.

OK, first things first. Naomi took $80K from a couple so she would get them pregnant so they could use the umbilical cord blood from the baby to help save their 7-year-old son from a deadly illness?

Whoa! I thought Naomi was supposed to be this ethical, uptight doc who always did the right thing. And for $80K? That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. Then again, if I was a parent in that situation, you can bet I probably would have done the same thing and sold a kidney to get the cash.

Second unethical thing of the night: Cooper telling the parents of the HIV-positive kid that the kid was planning on having sex with his girlfriend. I know Cooper was caught in a tough spot, but isn’t that defying a patient’s confidentiality? Or maybe that doesn’t hold true for minors. I guess it’s better than the alternative, which would have been telling the kid he was HIV-positive without the parents’ consent.

And are these doctors like juvenile delinquents or what? They spy on each other through window blinds, talk about each other behind their backs, and think about sex, sex, sex constantly. I swear, sometimes I think Dell the receptionist is the only one running the place. And since he quit, there’s no one. And besides that, he can’t quit! He’s one of my favorite characters.

I’m really torn between which guy Addison should pick (talk about your high-class problem). SWAT Guy or Alternative Doc Guy? On the one hand, SWAT Guy is really cute, and I think she likes the fact that he’s a SWAT guy. Who wouldn’t? On the other hand, Pete seems like he’d be a good all-around partner in every way, and he’d also come in handy if you need a Reiki treatment or emergency acupuncture. Which guy would you choose?

Cooper and Charlotte are as fun as all get out. I supposed he’ll chuck the fun sex thing and go for complicated Violet eventually. She needs some friend sex or something. She’s wound a little too tight.

Are you liking the show so far? I think it’s just hitting its stride.

Categories: | Episode Reviews |

5 Responses to “Private Practice – A Family Thing”

October 1, 2008 at 10:40 PM

I enjoyed tonight’s episode.

First off, I gotta ask, or, you know, yell at the top of my lungs, “What’s it gonna take for Amy Acker to get a full time gig???????” (My understanding is that the Dollhouse roll is recurring, not regular). Her first two scenes were outstanding this evening.

I really like the drama that’s been churned up at the practice. To steal the line (Points go to who get the reference, or at least where I got it from) “Ain’t nothing but a family thing.”

From Cooper’s patient to Naomi’s troubles and back to Cooper’s private life, the proverbial baseball bat was in effect tonight showing us the pitfalls of secret keeping. Only Cooper made out in the end. His interplay with Charlotte has quickly become one of my favorite parts of the show.

Certianly a better showing than most of last year… Lets hope they keep it up.

October 9, 2008 at 3:15 PM

I love Amy Acker and have been dying for her to get a full-time gig. I had my hopes up last year with October Road, but then they canceled that too. I’ve been a fan since Angel and loved her season on Alias. Someone out there needs to take notice. Maybe we should all just write to Joss Whedon and get her to be permanent on Dollhouse. That would be amazing.

October 2, 2008 at 12:07 AM

Kind of off subject, but does this mean Addison is officially divorced from Dr. Shepard? During the “About Us” video, her name was Addison Forbes Montgomery. I couldn’t help but to try and figure this out, and had to ask.

October 2, 2008 at 9:16 AM

Yeah, that’s what was on her door.

Her dropping the Sheppard part of the name was a plotline all the way back on Grey’s.

October 3, 2008 at 5:26 AM

Great first episode. I’m glad to see that it’s back (and on iTunes now!). They are like juveniles but that’s what makes it fun. I love when they split into boys against girls…too funny. The Charlotte and Cooper thing is one of my favorite parts of the shows. Dell’s great too (I heard that he’s still on the show even though he quit the practice).

Looking forward to the next episode.

And I hear you Dorv. Amy Acker is awesome. Funny aside, I was watching Justice League with my kids and I thought I recognized her voice – she’s the Huntress.

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