CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Here Comes the Flood



(Season 5, Episode 3)

Grey’s Anatomy has come a long way since it premiered in 2005, and I feel like I know these characters pretty well. So I just have a few things I’d like to say after tonight’s episode:

Chief, you should probably be removed from your post. I mean, you’ve got a hospital with some serious leakage issues, to the point where the ceilings are bulging and cracking from all the water. Don’t you think you should have started moving patients out just a teensy bit sooner? Like before things started flooding out of control? It’s no wonder Seattle Grace’s ratings have dropped to number 12. Step aside, Chief. Let Bailey take over. She’s the only one with any common sense around there.

Meredith, you know I love you, but seriously, you need more therapy. Even emotionally balanced people could use a little therapy now and then. You’re not balanced. Not in the least. Stick with the therapist. And I’m not saying that just because I want to see more of Amy Madigan, although that certainly enters into it.

Izzie and Alex, you belong together. Can’t you see that? Alex, I’ve always thought you had a lot more compassion and romance than you let on. Just let go of the baggage, dude. Izzie needs a good man who’ll treat her well, and you can be that man.

Derek, I appreciate you understanding that Meredith needs her family around — and by family, I mean Izzie and Alex and whomever else lands in her house on any given night. It’s not really the frat party you make it out to be. None of you are hardly ever there anyway. It’s basically just a bed and a bagel and out the door every morning. Sure, there are plenty of visitors in those beds, but we’re not talking Animal House here.

Callie and Erica, go for it, girls. But don’t let Sloan watch. Ever. I don’t care how many drinks you’ve knocked back at Joe’s bar.

Ok, that’s pretty much all I have to say tonight. Let’s get together again next Thursday, ok?

2 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Here Comes the Flood”

October 10, 2008 at 1:17 AM

I’m getting bored with this show. Very bored. That’s not a good sign. I’ll be interested to see what you think of the ep, but I can say that I was not at all involved.

October 11, 2008 at 5:02 PM

i hate this show. hate it. my step-sis, who loves this turned over port-a-potty of a program, made me watch an episode. after fifteen brain destroying minutes i thought i was going to rip my eyeballs out and stomp on them so i wouldn’t have to watch any more of it. even ‘general hospital’ is more believable than this emotionally retarded garbage…

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