I’m sure it will come as no surprise that since I write about TV, I end up seeing a lot of it. Let’s face it, there’s a good amount of crap on the tube and I often find myself watching it and feeling myself getting dumber but unable to turn away. With that said, there’s also a lot of TV that makes me remember why I love it. Whether it’s funny, sweet, or hilariously stupid, these are the things that didn’t suck this week.
“I hate this stupid headband!” Serena and Blair finally throw down on Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl is one of my guilty pleasures. It’s fun and silly and completely ridiculous. I can never keep track of whether or not Serena and Blair are friends or enemies. This week, they finally did what everyone saw coming: They made out. Okay, not really, but they had an awesome girl fight. It involved chucking a purse at Serena’s head, and it was amazing.
“Get out of my house!” Kathleen Stabler gets busted on Law & Order: SVU
I wrote about this episode earlier this week. “Swing” breaks from the normal L&O formula and heavily features Stabler’s personal life. I have to admit that I thought the part where Kathleen got attacked with a baseball bat while in the shower was completely hilarious and watched it over and over again. Uh, it’s funnier than it sounds. Really. Check it out for yourself:
Say it to his face: The final Presidential debate
The first two debates were immensely frustrating. Both candidates dodged questions, gave circuitous answers and stuck to their talking points. The third debate, however, involved the two candidates sitting face to face and actually interacting with each other. It was much better than the terrifyingly boring town hall-style debate that we had last time.
“All the mavericks in the house put your hands up” Amy Poehler rapping on SNL
I’ve gone on record as not being thrilled with the prospect of Sarah Palin making an appearance on SNL. While I haven’t changed my opinion on that, Amy Poehler’s rap on Weekend Update is one of the greatest things I’ve seen in a long time. Bonus points go to Poehler for being 14 months pregnant and finding this kind of energy.
u know what did suck this week? im suppose to be watching the amazing race right now but STUPID 60 minutes is on delaying my show so i’ll have to switch back to it during easy money commercial =[
I’m a regular L&O watcher (as in I regularly watch the eleventy billion repeats on various cable channels) but after seeing that clip I have to go check this episode out rather than wait for it on USA.
I agree that the debate moderation was more active and made for a more responsive debate.
And lastly, Amy Poehler’s rap was the funniest thing on SNL in quite some time.
Don’t blame 60 Minutes. Blame CBS for allowing sports coverage to run 45 minutes overtime! But in the long run, the overage actually helps the Race’s ratings! It’s a double-edged sword…and I’ve learned to set my DVR to record an hour and a half later on Sundays!
lol i think thats true, but i just wish that 60 minutes would just get cut off of time if it goes on late, but it made me watch valentine which showed me that it is a pretty alright show.
There’s sucking and then theres the jiggling of the babyholders…lol