CliqueClack TV

Eli Stone – Grace



(Season 2, Episode 2)

The meaning of the episode title, “Grace,” just pervades about every subplot in Eli Stone tonight. We’ll get to that, but first things first — what did you think of the episode?

I enjoyed it, as I always do, but it definitely didn’t stand up to last week’s spectacular premiere. This episode was not as tight, not as poignant, and not as shocking. Still, it had some deep moments that warrant some discussion.

The Case

We found out pretty soon into the episode that Duke Ellington’s song from the vision was supposed to clue Eli into knowing that Danny’s commanding officer, same name, was significant. I cannot imagine the guilt that his father must have felt, knowing that he basically sentenced his son to death when he pulled strings to get his medical condition overlooked and get him into the army. The poor dad needed grace — mercy — from his wife, and from himself.

One thing I still don’t quite understand though, is why was it Grace that Eli saw in the vision — just because she liked jazz? I would have thought that someone connected to the case might have been a more likely musical star.

Jordan’s Epiphany

Jordan only wants to take clients who will take an oath to do no harm; no more pond scum, as he called them in the last episode. No surprise that bitchy Peg Bundy and that Arthur guy weren’t on board for that. This plotline will carry us into at least the next episode, and it will be fun to watch how it turns out. I have a feeling that Jordan isn’t going to lie down on this one, but he may not get his way with this firm.

Oh, and the grace part? The “influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them;” pretty much sums up what has happened to Jordan.

Dad’s Journal

This was the best part of the episode, and all of my questions about how Grace fit in were answered by Nate, or more specifically, by Eli’s dad in his journal entries. It was magical the way Eli’s dad knew about things that would happen to Eli ten years after his death, and how Nate has grown so much that he would follow through with them — get the ticket to Grace and interpret what the dad meant for Eli to get from knowing Grace … “you are not alone.”

Grace — “an excellence or power granted by God” — was evidently given to Eli’s dad as well as Eli. Can you imagine what it must mean for Eli and Nate to know this, after all those years of suffering, growing up with the unhinged, drunk guy that their dad had become?

Other things I just can’t help but mention:

  • WTF Katie Holmes? Maybe skip the high notes next time. You look pretty good (with makeup; the daytime shots were a bit shaky), but I’m sure there’s a voice coach out there cringing right about now. Or picking up the pieces of the Waterford crystal.
  • It was very nice to see Gina Torres, but it was also strange for me; I miss the regal roles on Firefly and Angel that really show her elegance, whether she’s a good guy or a Big Bad.
  • I like that the writer’s made Grace distinctly ungraceful. It was a funny bit of irony.
  • The whole Grace / Eli love connection wasn’t really there for me, but I do understand what he was grasping at and why. Now, for crying out loud, start chasing Maggie again.

Songs from this episode:
Duke Ellington - Play On! - A New Musical - Hit Me With a Hot Note and Watch Me Bounce “Hit Me With a Hot Note” – Duke Ellington
Ray LaMontagne - Gossip In the Grain - Let It Be Me “Let It Be Me” – Ray LaMontagne

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4 Responses to “Eli Stone – Grace”

October 22, 2008 at 11:22 AM

So Grace had the same heart condition as Eli’s Client’s Son … and Eli was able to give her what she always wanted … an airport moment …

was Grace’s purpose to let Eli know that he isn’t alone in the messed up health … change everything after a defining moment in life department?

or is God just playing pimp?

October 22, 2008 at 12:09 PM

Yes, I think that was what was meant by “you are not alone.” Not so sure about the pimp part, heh, b/c Grace didn’t bite. Do you think they are setting Katie Holmes up for a recurring role? I don’t know, and I really hope not!

October 22, 2008 at 12:52 PM

Honestly, I’d rather watch Eli end up with Katie Holmes than that dimwit Maggie any day.

October 30, 2008 at 3:55 PM

Real shame about the last game at Marvels Stadium. Really gonna miss that place.


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