CliqueClack TV

I don’t like Sylar again

Just when Good Sylar was starting to grow on me, he goes bad again – really bad – and now I don’t like him again. For a while there, I was finding Good Sylar really boring and just waiting for the day when Bad Sylar would return. But there’s just no pleasing me, because now that he’s back – as evidenced in this week’s episode of Heroes – I don’t like him.

I admit that Elle’s not the most pleasant person on the planet, but I liked her and Sylar together. Individually, they’re both kind of creepy, but together, they seemed more human.

When Noah went after them guns blazing, and Elle got shot in the leg, it was sweet how Sylar fixed her up in the drugstore. And that was genuine emotion when a helpless Elle watched Sylar “die” after Noah slit his throat.

And I thought all would be well when those crazy kids decided to get through this “together,” but I guess that’s not what Sylar had in mind, as we saw on the beach at the end of the episode. Maybe, as he said, “Nobody ever really changes … we’re both just damaged goods.”

What are your thoughts on this crazy, dysfunctional relationship?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “I don’t like Sylar again”

December 4, 2008 at 9:41 AM

I’m a big fan of Sylar/Gabriel/whatever he’s calling himself this week from way back. But the late inconsistencies in his character– the bipolar swinging from good to bad to good to bad– are making me have to really work to enjoy him. And good TV shouldn’t take effort, right? I keep thinking I’m a poor fan and viewer because I can’t piece together where they’re going from where they’ve been. But then I look at the show as a whole and realize nobody knows what the hell they’re doing anymore.

I’m having a really hard time believing that Elle is dead. Cute white chicks on Heroes just don’t die, right? See every other cute white chick. They’ve cried “dead” one too many times, only to have the characters return improbably. Even if she actually is dead, the impact of that death will be totally blunted, for me, for that reason. I would be just as happy if it meant that the flash-forward vision of the future never happened, because it means that Elle and Gabriel’s happy family can’t be undone by Peter’s idiocy (and by extension, that Gabriel/Sylar remains smarter than Peter).

Gosh, you just wanted couples thoughts, not use of the comment box as therapy! Sorry. Bottom line, I think, is that Bell and Quinto are good actors who have great chemistry together. It would be a shame if they didn’t get more time onscreen together, because that’s one of the last few things Heroes has going for it.

December 4, 2008 at 10:19 AM

What it boils down to for me is that I like Kristen Bell and her character is seemingly dead now. At this stage I don’t really care about any of the characters.

December 4, 2008 at 1:35 PM

Well, as I mentioned in another post, Kristin Bell has always been listed as a “Guest Star,” not a series regular so you can’t expect her to stay around forever. And since this “Chapter” of the story ends in a couple of weeks, it certainly could be the end for Elle. As for Sylar’s bipolar disorder, he’s believed that he was a Petrelli for a while now and was working with them, and now he finds out that was all a lie so of course he’s bad Sylar again. I mean, you play with a maniac’s emotions like that you can’t expect him to stay calm and happy. And when he was told that Elle had a hand in his “creation,” of course he was going to lash out at her. He still doesn’t really know the true story, but he’s known the bad stuff for so long it was easiest for him to go back to that behavior. The future Sylar we saw most certainly could have been altered by his return to bad form. It’s the whole “butterfly effect” – one little change can alter so much that is to come.

December 4, 2008 at 11:23 PM

Elle better not be dead. Killing good characters off when there is still so many dead weights around isn’t going to help Heroes.

December 5, 2008 at 6:58 AM

It makes me sad. Even though I really feel almost like they ripped off Gollum/Smeagol as the model for Sylar/Gabriel I still really liked seeing him struggle between his original, more human nature and the monster unleashed by his power. I hope that the vision of the future we saw still comes about because I truly love the complexity it adds to his character. To have him just be a baddie all the time gets boring….there’s only so many places his storyline can go from there.

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