CliqueClack TV

Life – Charlie shoots his father “hello”

(Season 2, Episode 12 – “Trapdoor”) Life - Life, Season 2 - Trapdoor

I was going to say that this episode was kind of underwhelming, especially since it’s the last new one until freakin’ February. But then, well, I got to the last three minutes, and holyhellwhatjusthappenedwasthatreal? Talk about a surprise ending.

First things first: I found the actual mystery of the week pretty boring, even though the evil Russian, Roman Nevikov, made a return appearance. Yeah, he threw a girl out of a window, kept a witness in a dog cage and got away with it all because he’s a highly-valued FBI informant, but he just didn’t do it for me this episode — he just reminded me of a slightly more psychotic Chuck Bass.

Even though I wasn’t too enthralled by the murder of the Russian engineer, I thought it was interesting how Roman has been keeping tabs on Crews and Reese. The comment that he made to her, “I bet you thought it was your father he was going to shoot,” was good because it brought the elephant in the room to the forefront: Reese’s father’s involvement in the conspiracy.

Since they had this scene, it makes me kind of a dummy that I took Reese’s explanation of her drinking at face value: I thought that she took the vodka because Tidwell was freaking her out with his talk of meeting his parents, and love, and whatnot. Of course, that wouldn’t explain why she would run directly over to Crews’s house. I liked how, even with the liquid courage, she still couldn’t bring herself to ask Crews about her father. Also, “How long have you been drinking?” “Since I was twelve!” was hilarious. Her exasperated eye-roll to the question was great.

Basically, what this episode lacked in the murder department, it made up for in character moments. In addition to the Crews/Reese interactions, I liked the little bit that we got to see of the Crews/Tidwell relationship. His concern for her and the stern “90 meetings in 90 days” directive was touching.

It was pretty well-established at the beginning of the series that Crews doesn’t have much of a relationship with his father. Has a reason ever been given for that? I can’t recall that being spelled out before. They talk about how he wouldn’t let Charlie’s mother visit him in jail, but my guess is that there’s more to it than that. Although I’m not sure we need another reason: After all, the guy broke into Charlie’s house to deliver a wedding invitation. I can see why you may not want to invite him to Sunday dinner. Regardless, I’m glad we’ve finally put a face to the character, and I look forward to seeing more of him.

We got to see poor Ted back in prison this week as well. While I hope he doesn’t have to be there long, it was nice of Charlie to hire him protection. Alan Arkin hasn’t really had a whole lot to do lately, outside of trying to steal away Charlie’s future mother-in-law, so maybe putting him in prison will lead to some fun new adventures.

Now to the important stuff: Somebody rang the doorbell and shot Crews! And then he was in his prison cell with Dead Tims! Then he’s back on the floor of his house. You hear Dani saying, “Crews, are you here?” which is the same thing she said at the beginning of the episode when they found the dead Russians. Is there significance in that? What do you guys think? More importantly, who shot Crews?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

14 Responses to “Life – Charlie shoots his father “hello””

December 18, 2008 at 10:52 AM

In the first season Crews said something about his mother died b/c his father wouldn’t her her visit him in jail, and that he’d never forgive his dad. I too was thinking this was a sub-par episode until WHAM! Damn I can’t wait till Feb.

-2 VM alums on Life so far, I hope they bring Wallace on and make him a killer.

December 18, 2008 at 11:00 AM

Yeah, I meant to mention the Veronica Mars alums. First we have Logan’s girlfriend Hannah (Jessy Schram) playing Rachel, and on this episode, the victim’s girlfriend was played by Tessa Thompson, who played Wallace’s girlfriend Jackie.

Plus, we already had Kyle Gallner, who played the Beav, guest-star on the “Black Friday” episode playing (big surprise) a killer.

Personally, I’m hoping that Francis Capra will show up next, since he was severely under-utilized on Heroes.

December 18, 2008 at 10:33 PM

I’m SOOOOOOO pissed that its taken me nine months (and, you know, someone else telling me) to figure out who “Rachel” was)!

December 18, 2008 at 11:20 AM

I liked this episode a lot — and the ending blew me away. I really don’t like procedurals, but this is a procedural “done right” — it’s quirky, its characters have real backstories which are relevant to every episode, and the actors bring even more depth to the characters. I walked away from last night’s episode thinking “this is how TV is supposed to be”.

December 18, 2008 at 12:14 PM

This was a very busy episode, in my opinion, that moved much of the story ahead. Getting Dani involved in Crews’ conspiracy mystery is a smart move since, for the time being, there is no Ted. The last three minutes were the most surprising and, until it was revealed it was only a dream, I thought Charlie had dreamed about everything that happened after he got out of prison.

Who could the shooter be? My guess is the FBI agent. If not him, then I’m clueless right now and will have to watch, like the rest of you, when the show comes back in February.

December 18, 2008 at 4:18 PM

These long breaks are killing this show. I am devout watcher and i forget lot of the plot details between seasons one and two. Now another 6 week break? Why can’t NBC shows come back in january like the rest of the TV shows.

December 18, 2008 at 6:09 PM

I thought this was a great episode, best one in a few weeks, for sure. Whatever was missing from the Mystery of the Week was totally made up for in (what we Supernatural fans like to call) show mythology. I can’t believe it took so long to bring Dani into the conspiracy! I’m glad she’s there now.

I was excited to see Roman back, because he was so freakin evil in his first appearance. This time around, he had a lot less edge and that’s a shame. I can’t help but think he was behind the shooting, though.

Great episode! Looking forward to…February (holy crap).

December 19, 2008 at 12:38 AM

I liked the episode, although there was no particular explanation for why the russian had so many people trapped in his secret basement.

About this review:


I know it certainly wasn’t the biggest event of the ep, but please at least leave the spoilers out of the TITLE of the review. Please.

December 19, 2008 at 11:32 AM

If I say something about an episode after that episode airs, it is not a spoiler. I am not responsible for your viewing habits.

December 19, 2008 at 4:04 AM

I love this show. Just realized that the evil Roman is the same actor who plays Cromartie, a terminator sent to kill John Connor in Sarah Conner Chronicles.

December 19, 2008 at 11:14 AM

Dillahunt also played Jack McCall, who killed Wild Bill Hickock in HBO’s “Deadwood”, then came back in seasons 2 and 3 to play George Hearts’s man. Then he showed up in David Milch’s next HBO series, JFC. I’m actually getting tired of seeing him everywhere.

December 19, 2008 at 4:04 AM

I loved the timing for the shooting of Crews as well. He’s waiting from his new step-mother to arrive.

Doorbell rings, it’s not new mom, it’s Dani.

Doorbell rings, again…and BLAM!

Who shot Crews? There’s plenty of suspects — bad guy Russians, Dani’s father, Crew’s ex-wife’s new husband…

I liked the fact that the Russian HAD so many people trapped in his basement. All that evil/harm/violence he has caused — while he’s being protected by the “good guys.”


December 21, 2008 at 9:38 PM

If I say something about an episode after that episode airs, it is not a spoiler.

Yes it is. Who watches TV shows when they air anymore? We have DVRs and computers.

I am not responsible for your viewing habits.

True. But you ARE responsible for my enjoyment of this site, and spoilers make the site less enjoyable. Eventually they make me stop reading it altogether.

I’m not asking for much – just leave the spoilers out of the TITLE and preferably the before-the-jump section in the RSS feed. It’s pretty normal behavior at other sites…

December 23, 2008 at 9:55 PM


CC will apparently soon be posting a site wide spoiler policy which will define when and what they will include where.

CC has been using comments like this as the title of their post in lieu of episode titles for several weeks now, I assume they will continue to do so.

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