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Grey’s Anatomy – Callie and Sloan vow not to get naked with interns


(Season 5, Episode 11 – “Wish You Were Here” Grey's Anatomy - Grey's Anatomy, Season 5 - Wish You Were Here)

“People die and other people get messed up about it.” – Alex to Izzie, after she tells him she’s been “seeing” Denny

Even when Grey’s Anatomy isn’t that good or does stuff that makes me go, “That would never happen in a real hospital,” I still enjoy it. The characters are like family to me. I like hanging out with them every week. Sure, they’re dysfunctional, but I celebrate their dysfunctionality.

The main thing that made me go “that would never happen” involved the Chief, sinking into a funk and lying on a table in a dark room all day. Sure, he had a good enough reason. He’d just lost a doctor who suffered a massive coronary and was bemoaning the fact that Seattle Grace is still in 12th place and yada yada yada. But really, it’s hard to believe that the chief of a large hospital would ever have the time — or self-absorption — to disappear into a dark room. He should have done what he told Bailey to do when she came complaining about the new pediatrician: Deal with it.

And speaking of dealing with it, Bailey’s whining is getting a little old. But I appreciated that the new wheely-wearing, pony-tailed pediatrician, Arizona, gave it right back to her. That’s Jessica Capshaw, by the way, daughter of Kate Capshaw and stepdaughter of Steven Spielberg. I hope she sticks around a while.

Meanwhile, the storyline about the Death Row prisoner with multiple stab wounds seemed a little forced to me. Like they just used it to make a point about the fight between Meredith and Cristina. Or they used it to bring up Derek’s past, how his father died after being shot during a robbery. Or to stir a debate on the death penalty.…

As Meredith said, “Good people do bad things. He’s still a person.” But Derek and the other docs are surly when it comes to working on him — as in, OVERLY surly. And then Derek disappears into the Chief’s lair and complains about the prisoner getting a stay of execution  because he might be paralyzed and that would help his case.

It seems like Derek might be suffering from burnout — when he said he watches people die all the time and didn’t want to deal with this loser (that’s my word, not his). He’s definitely got a point, but maybe he should go work in a third world country for a while or something to gain some perspective.

The story about Sloan and Callie vowing to create their own 12-step program about having sex with interns was funny. But why bother at this point? It’s clear there’s never going to be a no-sex thing at Seattle Grace. Everyone sleeps with everyone else! I say go for it. Oh, and right, it’s only one step: Don’t get naked with an intern.

It’s also interesting that Derek would tell Sloan not to sleep with Lexie (OK, because Meredith asked him to). I mean, it’s not like Derek has never slept with an intern, and he and Meredith seem to be doing OK. Well, for the time being anyway. I’m sure there are probably still some bad feelings between Derek and Sloan about what happened with Addison, too.

On the Izzie/Denny/Alex front, I’m glad Izzie decided to tell Alex about her ghost stalker (’cause really, that’s what Denny is at this point). It was funny that Alex didn’t seem to think it all that strange, and I loved the scene where he started making love (or something) to Izzie while Denny stood by and watched. Maybe Denny will finally get the point that he’s not doing Izzie any good by hanging around. Or rather, maybe Izzie will get that point. It’s hard to tell whether Denny is actually a ghost or if he was just conjured up by Izzie. What do you think about this? I kind of think he’s a real ghost.

I loved the last scene where Derek turned the music up and got Meredith to dance it out with him, just like she and Cristina would do after a rough day. He even sounded like Cristina: “Get your ass over here; I’m not doing this by myself.” 

Your thoughts on this episode?

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Callie and Sloan vow not to get naked with interns”

January 9, 2009 at 4:09 PM

Or, y’know Izzie is ill and Denny is a hallucination. On a medical show? Get out of here….

January 11, 2009 at 4:07 AM

As I see it, the problem with Sloan and Lexie is not that she’s an intern, but that she’s Little Grey. If Sloan were with any other intern, Meredith and Derek wouldn’t have said anything.

And even though his story isn’t that important in the big picture, I love me some Sloan. He always makes me laugh!

January 13, 2009 at 6:50 AM

I liked this eppi as I like them all. Yes I know some things are over the top and some things are ‘not possible in real like’ but guys this is a TV SHOW and not a documentary so they can show whatever they want, even if Denny is a ghost or an hallucination (I think an hallucination) – I’m glad Izz told Alex, that means she’s facing reality, she loves him too and is telling him the truth even if it hurts or sounds crazy. Good thing that Alex had experience dealing with crazy people like his Mum or Ava – that all prepared him for crazy Izzie.
I think Cristina is being stupid and I hope Mer can ignore him and consider Derek as her best friend for once, since he’s there now, and Cristina is not. Cristina should stop being rude and nasty to everyone, take care of her interns (still doesn’t do, even though they cut themselves etc) and mayeb have a proper date with good-bad-good-bad Owen, who is also driving me up the wall because one day he’s hot the next cold with Cristina. In that respect I agree with her. Make up your mind Army doctor! I think the PDR patient is another theme, another debate (like the pigs, or abortion, or adultery or many other things they show) and it’s fine, people have different opinions and that’s what the show is showing: some think he’s a person, others have personal prejudices, others are professionals, others don’t care. I think he will end up giving his organs to that little boy. About Slexie (sloan + lexie) I think they’re great together and I think for once Sloan likes someone and she likes him back, they’re both alone in this world and they have a connection, let them be say I! And Der is just asking for Mer, I don’t think he personally cares. Mer just wants her little sister (who she really cares for) to not get hurt and Mark won’t hurt her – it’s just that no one will believe him – because he’s Mark. That’s the challenge. Can’t wait to see McMamma next week!!!

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