CliqueClack TV

Damages – Patty stupidly gives Daniel the water sample


(Season 2, Episode 4 – “Hey! Mr. Pibb!)

William Hurt is a phenomenal actor. He plays the imprisoned, broken man to the hilt. And even though he and Patty have a tortured past, it seems like they have a connection because Michael is their son.

Still, Patty never does anything just because it’s the right thing to do. So my theory is that she told Michael that Daniel was his biological father in the hopes that Daniel would do the right thing if push came to shove. Instead, he did the exact opposite, telling the court that the documents were, in fact, NOT doctored, and then taking the payoff from Ultima later. Patty was had by her own machine. My question is, why on earth would she give Daniel the water sample to test? She must have known there’s more to this story than Daniel is saying.

About the flash-forward five months into the future … We see Ellen talking to an unnamed person: “Is that the money? Are you sure you’re OK? You seem a little worried.” Then we hear gunshots, and she leaves with a briefcase. I know enough by now never to assume anything about this show. I have no idea who the other person is, what’s in the briefcase, and why Ellen left with it, but it’s a lot of fun getting there. Any theories on who the other person in that scene is?

Talk about Southern stereotypes. Even though we know the mysterious bonfire at night was livestock being burned, it was still an eerie site — both for us and for Tom and Ellen. And then there’s the guy who says, “You two be careful down here.” Unlike the recent American Idol non-scandal involving Mark Mudd, in this case,  “be careful” does indeed sound like a threat. It’s a good thing Tom and Ellen split up, so she could get the water sample back to Patty (who stupidly gave it to Daniel!).

So, now that we saw Daniel involved in giving Christine’s ruby ring to Kevin Walker the night of the murder, do you think Daniel killed Christine?

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Damages – Patty stupidly gives Daniel the water sample”

January 30, 2009 at 1:26 PM

I have to say that I am so incredibly bored by the story this season. I can barely pay attention and when it’s over, I don’t feel even mildly upset that I didn’t catch it all. I think I may have to take it off my DVR list. Strange, as I just loved last season…this one just isn’t bringing me in.

Hope you enjoy it, though, Jane!

January 31, 2009 at 2:28 AM

What if Patty gave him just regular water in that bottle and kept the real sample?

January 31, 2009 at 1:26 PM

Something tells me you are right. There is no way Patty would be that trusting of Purcell.

January 31, 2009 at 6:30 PM

Darrell Hammond?!?

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