CliqueClack TV

Friday Night Lights – Goodbye Smash


Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again….

This episode marked the end of an era on Friday Night Lights with Smash Williams finally making it into College at Texas A&M. It’s been a long hard road for my favorite character on this show and I’m sad to see him leave for good. Unfortunately there’s nothing left to tell and all that is left is thanking Gaius Charles for more than two seasons of great acting and the superb portrayal of a struggling African-American football player. The character, the actor, the story — everything was pitch perfect and I’m more than glad that we got the ending we all deserved to get for this guy.

For us, the viewers, it is now time to look forward to seeing other great storylines develop. But unfortunately this will have to wait until the next episode airs for the rest of this one wasn’t that great. Or better, it was business as usual with Tyra again making a marvelous decision in choosing that rodeo clown over Landry. Great job Tyra, let’s spin the wheel for you to see what his faults might be? Is he a) an alcoholic; b) does he have a wife and kid or maybe c) he’ll beat you. And again you had to crush the guy who has always been there for you. Honestly, it’s just not funny anymore. The question is whether Landry will be so stupid to be there for her once she’s down. Which she will be. We all know she will, that seems to be her destiny, doesn’t it?

Speaking of funny (this time for real) the moment where Principal Taylor introduced the community to the new Jumbotron was priceless. Obviously Buddy Garrity will volunteer for a couple of charity things he didn’t know about. Good job Tami.

And finally we see Saracen reconnecting with his mother. Seems she wants to be in his life now and he reluctantly lets her take over some responsibilities. It’s going to be a fun dynamic — his mother, his grandmother and Julie Taylor, one shy guy and three women who know what they want.

So the title of this week’s episode was more than fitting. “Hello, Goodbye:” one goodbye, lots of Hellos. More rodeo-clownage and most likely J.D. McCoy becoming QB1 next time. Stay tuned and convince your Nielsen-Family friends to tune in. Don’t make me start a nuts campaign!

Photo Credit: NBC

6 Responses to “Friday Night Lights – Goodbye Smash”

February 7, 2009 at 12:00 AM

That’s it. I give up. CliqueClack has got another major spoiler in a headline. I was glancing at all my headlines in my RSS reader and *BAM* spoiled again before I knew what hit me. I enjoyed this site but it keeps ruining shows before I get a chance to watch them! At the very least, I’m deleting it from my RSS. CliqueClack has some great writing, but TV sites that don’t know how to deal with spoilers are not worth visiting IMO.

February 7, 2009 at 8:13 AM

And that spoiler would be? That Smash leaves the show? Gaius Charles has been billed as a guest star this season and it was clear that he would only star in a couple of episodes. I even hinted at him leaving the show last week.

We didn’t spoil anything. From the title you know exactly nothing what will happen to the guy.

And the original title of this episode is “Hello, Goodbye”. That would then be a spoiler too if you put my info from last week and this weeks episode title together.

I suggest you watch the episode, I still don’t get where you’ve been spoilered.

February 7, 2009 at 11:09 PM

Well, I didn’t know that this one was Smash’s last episode and the headline gave it away.

What I find most sad is that every time a commenter on this site has mentioned a desire for less spoilers in the titles, the writers come back with “That wasn’t a spoiler” or “You weren’t spoiled”. It reminds me of my mother… I used to tell her “I don’t like brussel sprouts” and she would say “What are you talking about, you LOVE brussel sprouts!”

I’m a fan of this site, just not the spoilers. Anyway, I removed this site from my RSS reader so spoil away. It’s not a problem anymore. I’ll probably still come back here from time to time, just less often than I’d like.

Again, I never had any kind of problem with spoilerific articles, just the titles.

February 14, 2009 at 8:30 AM

Ok I’ll give it to you that it IS indeed a spoilery-title. It’s just that I hinted at the fact that Smash leaves for two weeks now – and the other problem is that the whole show already was shown on DirectTV.

It’s kind of hard running around knowing more than you should and then write articles about stuff that “true fans” already know due to them having seen it all on DirectTV already.

Anyway, I’m trying my best to keep the FNL bits free of spoilers and trust me knowing what I do know it’s a pain in the ass not giving things away. I complained about that myself in the past but honestly – that wasn’t HERE that was on TVS. I think you’re mixing that up a bit. I’ve been reading CC since it first started and I honestly never ever saw big spoilers here. And again – I hinted at Smash’s story coming to a conclusion last week. I could get angry at you for not reading my recap last week ;-)

I promise I’ll keep a better eye on my titles from now on :-)

February 8, 2009 at 6:33 PM

Now that is how you say goodbye to a character gracefully. It’s interesting that Smash is your favorite character on FNL. Was that always the case? The first half of the first season I couldn’t stand the guy, he was too cocky and the epitome of a high school jock. Then something clicked and he began to be my favorite character as well. I found myself looking forward to the scenes with his mom, and his little sister the most. Now that everything is resolved with Smash my favorites are Tami and Matt. Oh yeah and Lance… I mean Landry.

February 14, 2009 at 8:35 AM

It’s hard to remember – I think I also didn’t like him at first but that changed fast.

Gaius Charles is such a great guy if you ask me – real friendly persona and I think that’s not just the writing (or at least I hope so). I really think he’s a good guy in real life too and all the other actors on this show make you feel that way too. Love the show.

Buy the DVDs to make a fourth season possible ;-)

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