CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – Season 5

so-you-thinkSo … what is it about So You Think You Can Dance that turns my crank, anyway?

For me — the original male Cro-Magnon with two left feet — it’s about the lines and the movements and the shifts. It’s flips that aren’t possible … it’s stops and turns that shouldn’t be attempted because, if they are, something’s going to give. It’s the balance that really shouldn’t be available to anyone confined to an atmosphere containing gravity.

You see, Dancing With The Stars doesn’t really do it for this guy. Check that: compared to So You Think You Can Dance, it doesn’t do it at all. Really, all they do on DWTS is practice choreographed moves and dance steps and then they duplicate them. That’s it. On SYTYCD, it’s all that plus the telling of a story through movement. Huge difference in my opinion. It’s putting your soul out there for everyone to see, not just going through the motions and mimicking practiced moves the best you can do them.

I don’t get the Paso Doble, one of the goofiest dances I’ve ever seen. The Quick Step vexes me. Ballroom’s okay, it makes sense. (Probably because people have been doing it since the Renaissance.) But the performances on SYTYCD are unique to everyone who does them. The dancers can really put their mark on a routine, not just do a good job.

I can’t lie: I had tears rolling down my cheeks at some of the sets I saw during the premiere episode. You can see the passion and the effort and the love of dance some of the best contestants convey in their performances. It’s something to see. You can tell when a dancer is lost in his act. You can see the consternation on that girl’s brow as she twists effortlessly while leaping higher than a human being really should be allowed. Damn, I love that.

The thing is: This is the first episode of the season. And based on a few quick hour’s worth of show, I’m already all jazzed up about the coming weeks. Dog dig it, dude.

Photo Credit: Fox

4 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – Season 5”

May 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM

I am very excited about this years SYTYCD. The part I like the best is seeing these young men and women partnered and working together to present us with a different dance each week. Yes, I was in tears too because of Mary, her excitement is contageous as well as the woman with the mohawk. Can’t remember her name. Should be a great season!

May 25, 2009 at 3:06 PM

The thing I hate about SYTYCD is Mary Murphy. She’s an obnoxious screaming idiot. She may know dance, of this I have no doubt, but that scream is worse than Paula Abdul’s inability to compose a cohesive thought.
The dancers are absolutely astounding and I do enjoy watching the dancing portion.

May 29, 2009 at 6:13 PM

I’m really pleased to see you’re commenting on the show. And will you continue? (say yes say yes). I agree with your observations. My only problem with the show is the Screeming MeeRee. I don’t think I have ever said this about someone before. It’s simply not in my make up. But for her, when she speaks OR screems through those giant clenched teeth of hers, I just want to punch her in the face!

May 31, 2009 at 3:01 PM

I’m happy as a pig in bodily-mud that you are going to be covering SYTYCD! I never could get into Dancing with the Stars because I pretty much hate celebrity. Go away. I like to watch the kids with the fresh faced smiles who were flipping hamburgers a year ago to pay for their dance lessons…… LIGHT CAMERA ACTION ! Let the DREAMS begin!

Being rather a sick in the head dork, I like the auditions. Sex is sort of my hero…… *the person not the act*

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