CliqueClack TV

Eli Stone: Just another reason to stop giving network television a chance


eli stone

When I look at this year’s slate of the networks’ new offerings, it’s pretty disappointing. When I compare it to the 2007 slate, it’s downright depressing. What makes the whole thing suck more (and suck is the right word here), is that so many of the shows I instantly fell in love with that year were canceled quickly (Journeyman, K-Ville), or were given just enough rope to hang themselves in the second season (Life, Sarah Connor Chronicles).

There are also those other shows that I’m now giving a second chance (Moonlight) and those that as much as I might have liked them in the beginning, I won’t miss (Pushing Daisies). For the record, I’m not recognizing Private Practice, as I just don’t think it deserves it.  Oh, Chuck and Gossip Girl rule.

Eli Stone fits into the category of shows that were thankfully given a second chance, but never quite caught on. Shows like Stone, Life, and Journeyman really make me question what today’s television viewers want out of their programming. None of these shows were perfect (Though Journeyman may have been close), but it’s surprising to me how none of these (or any of the aforementioned shows) could catch on.

The cast is great. Jonny Lee Miller has crafted Eli to be such a unique personality. He’s not the sleazy lawyer he once was, nor has he turned into the “do-good” hero lawyer that is so stereotypical these days. Stone really is just a guy who doesn’t exactly know what’s going on, but wants to try to help people. He is an everyman who might just have an extraordinary gift. Or he could just be wacky. I don’t think we’ll ever really know.

Victor Garber also stands out, but let’s be honest; he does most of the time. The show’s staple was, quite honestly, the great musical numbers, and Garber was the anchor of the main cast in that department. He also gets the opportunity to play a dad with an interesting relationship with his daughter, though, let’s be honest, nothing compared to his last on-screen little girl. Garber plays the role with elegance and gravitas, and his is a talent that needs to find its way back on to the small screen sooner rather than later (Oh, thanks Glee!).

This week’s episode spends time focusing on one of my favorite parts of the show — the crazy relationship that is Eli and Maggie. Their relationship completely works, but is “cute” more than is necessarily “sexual tension.” Not to say they don’t have chemistry, but theirs is not a story that is rightfully based on them getting together and then ruined when they are together. The fact is that the writers never really got that, and kept engineering reasons for them to be apart. Tonight’s installment is all just a misspoken and misunderstood moment. Not keeping these two together was the only disappointment I ever had with the show.

I am glad that ABC is finally airing the remaining episodes, though viewers should not expect a pat little ending. There are three episodes remaining after tonight’s installment that push the overall storyline on a little, but not to an extent that we really feel comfortable with where it ends. That being said, however, it’s still much better that we do get to spend a little more time with the show, the characters, and the music.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

19 Responses to “Eli Stone: Just another reason to stop giving network television a chance”

June 21, 2009 at 3:36 PM

I wasn’t a fan of the show, but I didn’t hate, but this was a huge surprise when it was canceled. I thought ABC would keep the show because I figured it was cheap and a lawyer show. The ratings were OK enough for a third season of some kind. ABC really has nothing, NBC is dead, CBS is old cop shows. It’s quite depressing.

I’m not sure what cable shows to give a chance through. I don’t want to start shows mid year, but at the same time I don’t want to buy the seasons of shows I might not like. That’s the one thing going for most network TV, it’s on line, I’m not sure the same can be said with cable shows.

June 21, 2009 at 4:28 PM

I wasn’t surprised it got canelled. This is a niche show and it seems there nowadays is no backing for such shows (if you don’t count Dollhouse or FNL).

Networks only seem to like reality dreck with a higher ROI. It sickens me.

But then again you should come over here and take a peek at what german networks are producing. It’s drama, it’s mindblowing – and more idiotic than any reality show – and the rest is imported US TV (so why bother waiting for a mediocre dub when the DVDs are available at

It makes spanish Telenovelas look like a MENSA meeting. I haven’t watched local TV in three years, all I watch is sports when the soccer national team is playing on government owned networks streaming the games on the internet.

So – did you spot the reason why Dollhouse and FNL were renewed? DirectTV and DVD sales. I think that’s the only way to keep shows like Eli Stone on the air these days. They should finally start offering DVD sets even before a show has aired and built in a pledge-drive kind of display – if the show sells amount x, show’s going to DVD. If it sells amount y, show’s gonna get Extras on DVD, if it sells amount z, it will get director’s commentaries and if it sells more than who-knows-what it will get a second season.

It’s like PayTV but with selfmade gifts…

June 22, 2009 at 5:48 AM

“It makes spanish Telenovelas look like a MENSA meeting.”

They are in spanish but are not spanish: they are from South American countries. Just to clarify. ;)

June 22, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Ok good point :-)

Nitpicker ;-)

June 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM

Hahaha I know, I knooow: it’s a minor detail! But so many people forget that Spain is in Europe…

Getting to the post topic, I’m starting to believe that my TV tastes are far, far away from those of american people. All my favorite shows tend to be cancelled! I’ll miss you dearly, Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone. Glad Chuck it’s still around.

June 22, 2009 at 3:02 PM

I’m from Germany by the way (and I know that Brazil speaks Portuguese (and just found out that there’s an u after the g who’d thought? You gotta love the Firefox spellchecker :-) ) )

June 21, 2009 at 5:14 PM

Don’t get me wrong, I still watch a lot of Network TV. My problem is that there’s not a whole lot new on the schedule next year, and despite that, I’m afraid to get invested in shows like Flash Forward, Day One, V, Human Target, and Glee, when I know they won’t be given a very long leash.

June 22, 2009 at 11:18 AM

I call it “Journeyman” syndrome.

I mean I think I can be sure that “The Listener” will be back. It has already been marketed to so many foreign markets that it _should_ be a sure bet. Then again I would hand it in for a couple more episodes of “The Unusuals” in a heartbeat.

Man… I should stop thinking about this… am I really starting to rely on shows from CANADA just to be safe not to be disappointed? Aim low or something?

June 21, 2009 at 7:00 PM

I really liked this show. I guess SciFi (SyFy) in the UK picked it up & aired it all because the eps I downloaded back in May had their logo on it. Anyway, I like how the show ends, it only sucks that we’ll never know what ever happens. I wish a cable channel would pick up this show & have a third season.

June 21, 2009 at 7:02 PM

@Ivey West you should have it show your name as Dorv since I’m guessing that’s what most everyone knows you as. When I kept seeing posts a while back with both Dorv & Ivey West with the same avatar it was kinda confusing.

Just a suggestion

June 21, 2009 at 7:41 PM

I appreciate it, but when I started writing for CliqueClack, I wanted to start using my real name. Since they are both on the same account, the same avatar comes up.

Sorry for the confusion :)

June 21, 2009 at 7:51 PM

I like it….Ivey West. It sounds like a name out of an Indiana Jones movie. Keep em dazzeled Ivey!

June 21, 2009 at 7:52 PM

You said that Ivey was a nick name too. Now I’m starting to doubt you exist at all! ;)

June 22, 2009 at 11:20 AM

It’s the real name of the puppet in the picture ;-)

Damn it now I know what puppet that is :-)


Best Angel episode ever!

June 22, 2009 at 11:21 AM

Whoops, sorry for the curse but that’s really what I said (although in german) when that bright light above my head just went on :-))

June 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM

of all the cancel shows I watched, Journeyman, Life (my second favorite), Sarah Connor, Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money (almost all during year strike)… Eli Stone is the one that pain me the most to loose, am really sad sad sad :(

what went wrong? why a beautifully crafted show like this dint take off? Is it because it started during the strike year or is it the religion angle kill the show>

dunno, but am going to really miss Eli Stone.

Am very happy at least to have the final four installments.

June 22, 2009 at 8:11 PM

Journeyman, Eli Stone, and Life all deserved much bigger audiences than they ever were able to attract.

At least Stone and Life got another chance.

Journeyman, I’m glad that the show runners were smart enough (because Alex Graves is a brilliant guy), to create an opening story arc that had a natural stopping point in the 13th episode.

June 22, 2009 at 12:16 PM

Glad Chuck IS still around.

June 22, 2009 at 1:28 PM

<<<<<<shakes fist and says Damn You ABC!

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