CliqueClack TV

Better Off Ted – Intraoffice sexual tension can be fun

Better Off TedThe best part of this latest episode of Better Off Ted is that my wife and I probably made up a full percentage of the total people who saw it. No that’s not it, but damn those ratings are sad. The reason I like Ted is the sharp writing. I loved the Asian lab tech’s comeback to douchebag white guy that as there are more Asians than whites on the planet, he’s actually the exotic one. Unfortunately for Lem, she still banged him.

It was all about who wanted to bang who in this episode. Even Veronica, who’s wound tighter than a dog with ADD leashed to a parking meter, got some banging in. Granted, hers was the “into a chair” variety with a silencer attached, but the theme remained intact.

Ted was checking out Linda, who was loving being checked out, Lem was checking out the not-exotic Asian, Lucy. Unfortunately for Lem, he’s not that suave with the ladies and so rather than try and talk to her or woo her away from douchebag “suit” he went the unconventional route.

We’ve all been there, try to make the douche vomit so he’s incapacitated (though really, doesn’t that just make the girl want to take care of him; it’s a thing with women, they can’t help themselves), and wind up making the girl vomit instead. And while the ladies can look sexy doing a wide variety of tasks, the hurling of bile and partially digested food stuffs is not on that list.

With the banter going between Ted and Linda right now, I think I want them to go the way of so many star-crossed lovers on television shows and continue to not get together. I just see things falling apart if they lose that tension and mutual frustration. I don’t, however, feel that way about Lem and Lucy.

I think that could be a nice romantic sub-plot for a little while. Maybe she could even join the cast in a more significant way. What can I say? She had me with the “who’s exotic?” argument.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Better Off Ted – Intraoffice sexual tension can be fun”

July 1, 2009 at 6:03 PM

To be fair to the statistically average woman, the douchebag was both pretty hot and too dumb to ever argue with her, a fairly potent combination. He’s also probably a slight improvement over the last boyfriend she built, and just as obedient.

Phil: “I’m going to call my wife and tell her how hot Linda is.” (walks off)

Ted: (smiles, then realizes how bad that is and runs off to stop him)

Phil’s line about Lem’s using science for evil and how they both had promised they would try to do that less.

The nice bit of writing about Ted and Linda is that they are both intelligent and realistic about the situation, and Linda even lays their whole relationship out openly and fairly between them. The other nice bit of writing was on Linda’s butt.

July 2, 2009 at 12:39 AM


Thanks Jason for writing about BOT! Thank you sooo much!

The show is hilariously funny, intelligent, nerdy, geeky and best of all it’s the first show with Andrea Anders that’s actually funny (after “Joey” and “The Class”). And I love Ellen’s Boyfriend in the role of the boss.

This is so extremely the next “Arrested Development” I sincerely hope every fan of THAT show watches THIS show instead of waiting for that movie that most likely will never ever happen because of Michael Cera.

But whatever. Watch Bot! We need a Bot-Network! Infect the whole Interwebs!

July 2, 2009 at 4:56 AM

My problem with BOT is that the cast isn’t as funny as the cast of Andy Richter Controls the Universe was and neither is the writing. Ultimately, it’s a very similar show, that isn’t as good.

July 2, 2009 at 9:43 AM

True, Jonathan Slavin isn’t nearly as funny as Jonathan Slavin.

Wait, what?

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