CliqueClack TV

Being Human – Relationships suck


I see the pattern. Episode one was all about Mitchell. Chapter two dealt with George. Last night, we got the scoop on Annie. Being Human is starting to take shape. Like most shows of its ilk, at least the ones I like anyway, it’s been able to balance the humor and drama quite nicely. If these three really want to behave like the rest of “normal” society, then they will have to put up with all the pain in the ass shit everyday guys and gals endure. This includes all those sticky relationship difficulties. If men and women ever got on the same page, life would be pretty damn boring. Saner, but boring.

Mitchell’s dance with the devil that is Lauren is escalating. Letting her feed from him seemed like a bad idea. He obviously feels responsible for her since he turned her, but she’s leading him down the wrong path. Her getting into bed with Herrick’s gang can’t be good. We did gain some useful knowledge regarding the series’ vampire lore. Raiding a blood bank won’t satiate the hunger pangs; only fresh blood does the job. I never did buy fictional vamps imbibing chilled crimson. It’d be like me guzzling warm beer. Yuck.

George got laid. Hooray for George! If any werewolf needed a good shag, it was him. However, it’s George, so he suffered from a kind of performance anxiety. Getting it up wasn’t the trouble, but not ripping Nina’s head off during the deed was a chore. My guess is George won’t be able to keep his secret from Nina. The dude is a fucking boy scout, which means he’ll have to come clean before getting too serious.

This episode belonged to Annie. I was waiting for an explanation into her character and man did I get one. Love of her life Owen proved to be the opposite of Mr. Perfect. The prick killed her. I have to admit, I didn’t see that coming. I figured the shock of discovering his affair may have resulted in her tumble down the stairs; no way did I think Owen was the instigator. No wonder she’s stuck in limbo. I hope Owen gets his murdering throat ripped out by Mitchell. Annie didn’t deserve such a shitty death.

Gilbert, the hipster ghost, added some nice flavor; his chain smoking and spastic dancing will be missed. Only three installments remain in season one. I am still diggin’ the direction it’s heading. Looks like things get even messier next week. Herrick’s army is preparing for something and I doubt it’s a peace summit with humans. All in all, Being Human continues to be excellent Saturday night entertainment.

Photo Credit: BBC America

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2 Responses to “Being Human – Relationships suck”

August 11, 2009 at 3:56 PM

Great show but did Owen have an affair or did Annie? It looked like he found the thong and was confronting her over it, not vice versa. Judging from how her character is written it would go against the grain for her to have an affair though.

August 11, 2009 at 4:28 PM

My understanding is Annie found the bra, which belongs to the chick Owen is banging now (name escapes me). Then Owen flipped out and tossed her down the stairs.

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