CliqueClack TV

ABC smartly takes advantage of Scrubs DVDs

ABC Media KitThe DVD for the eighth season of Scrubs comes out next Tuesday, and we happened to get an advance copy the other day. As you know (at least if you’re a fan of Scrubs), the eighth season aired on ABC rather than NBC, so it’s only natural that the DVD would be associated with that network. And now ABC is smartly taking advantage of the fans who followed the network swap by including a little something extra along with this DVD set.

Within the shrinkwrap packaging of the DVD is another DVD with what ABC calls its “ABC Starter Kit.” Essentially this DVD contains what any newcomer to many of their returning hit shows would need to understand what the shows are about. In this DVD, at least, there are short videos for Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Ugly Betty, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives and Castle. There’s a bonus two-hour “event” for Brothers & Sisters included in the DVD as well as the pilot episode of Castle.

You can actually watch all of these videos already over on, but the point of this DVD is brilliant: reel in the people who’ve followed the show over to ABC and clue them in on what they may have been missing with their other shows. Granted, a lot of these shows may not be up the alleys of many Scrubs fans, but I’ve got to give ABC credit for trying. Oh, and for not just slapping these videos right on the Scrubs DVDs themselves.

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee / CliqueClack

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2 Responses to “ABC smartly takes advantage of Scrubs DVDs”

August 22, 2009 at 3:40 PM

That’s really smart move, I’m amazed. A network channel being that smart… wow…

Have you ever tried to watch anything on It never runs correctly.

August 23, 2009 at 2:30 PM

Way to go! Can’t wait for Club… eer Scrubs Med. Err Scrubs. Scrubs 2.0. Whatever. I just hope nobody approximates from Grey’s to Scrubs 2.0. That would be horrible.

Can’t wait for more Castle coz of Nathan Fillion’s twitter updates.

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