CliqueClack TV

NCIS season 7 – Will Ziva survive for the new season?

NCIS season 7 premiere

Clearly, the answer to the above posed question is yes. In fact, our certainty that that will be the case kind of lets the air out of some of our cliffhanger balloon that’s been growing since last season’s finale.

What is not clear is how exactly she will be saved. Being part of a Mossad mission, the logical assumption is that they’ll go in after her. My guess? Tony somehow gets himself in the middle of things, saving the day while butting heads with Ziva’s father, Mossad Director Eli David, along the way. And while leaning heavily on Gibbs for tactical, and other, support. Of course, that’s assuming that the Mossad isn’t behind her torture in the first place….

The real cliffhanger of a question is, what happens when Ziva returns to safety, and the inevitable showdown between herself, her father, Gibbs, Tony, NCIS, and the Mossad? Ivey opened the door to our discussion about Ziva’s role at NCIS, and her relationship with her two father-figures. While I still contend that she would never choose anything before her country, what will the writers have her do? Will Ziva embrace the real family she’s found in Washington, or return to the distant one she grew up in back in Israel?

Again, I think we can assume she’ll be back at her desk at NCIS headquarters eventually. But how she gets there will be what makes the decision interesting, and the drama intriguing. Ziva and Tony, Ziva and Gibbs, and even Ziva and her father, all make for pairings with very engaging, and very watchable dynamics. And, look out for when Gibbs has his final run-in with Director David; it’ll get ugly. And awesome.

The next hurdle in season seven is likely to be how the show will fare with the crew (the actual crew, not the actors) splitting time between NCIS and the new NCIS: LA. What makes the show stand out from other procedurals is the writing, and the relationships between the characters. Will a split focus affect our favorite group of Naval Criminal Investigators for the worse?

While we’re asking questions, here are some more of my own:

  • Will Tony and Ziva end up together? — I sincerely hope not; they work better with a brother/sister dynamic. But their relationship is rumored to be set to evolve rapidly in the first few episodes of this new season. In which direction is still anyone’s guess.
  • Will Gibbs ever get to the bottom of Vance’s dirty secret? — I hope so, and I imagine that this season will explore that story, if not to conclusion, than thoroughly, nonetheless.
  • Will Abby have another gratingly annoying freak-out for as long as Ziva isn’t home safe and sound? — Most likely, and it will drive me crazy.
  • Will we get more McGee time? — We better; Probie’s the best!
  • Will Ducky’s “Mother” make another appearance? — Can’t remember; did she die?
  • Will we get more field work in the coming season? — When the team began splitting up for stakeouts, stings, etc., we were provided with some really great personal relationship perspectives, even more than we’d normally get during a typical day at the office. At this point in the show’s life, the cases are ancillary, and should be, if the show hopes to keep going. It’s all about the people, and its characters are one of NCIS’s greatest strengths.

Ziva’s torture hits our screens once again on Tuesday, September 22, at 8:00. For all your other premiere needs, check out our fall 2009 schedule.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Clack | Features | General | NCIS | TV Shows |

12 Responses to “NCIS season 7 – Will Ziva survive for the new season?”

September 16, 2009 at 2:59 PM

I was under the impression that Ziva’s father set her up to get rid of her … much like he used her to get rid of Ari … that she was being interrogated for the Mossad by other evil people … and that Tony manages to rescue her.

September 16, 2009 at 3:13 PM

Clearly it’s all conjecture at this point, but I think that her father may be trying to discern where her loyalties lie. I’d be surprised if he was looking to have her killed, though. Plus, why outsource the job when they can do it better themselves?

September 17, 2009 at 11:56 AM

Why does any intelligence agency outsource assassination and dirty tricks? Deniability, of course.

September 17, 2009 at 12:10 PM

I think, while that’s true, it can’t really be said for Israel. Ignoring who they would actually be able to outsource to (not a lot of friends amongst the people in that business ;)), I think they don’t trust that anyone can do the job as well as they can, which would defeat the purpose. If this is really a Mossad interrogation, I think it’s most likely the Mossad conducting it.

September 18, 2009 at 7:33 AM

I was addressing the “getting rid of her” portion, not the interrogation. You betray an agent to your enemy, who kills her for you, thus keeping your hands clean and avoiding all the messy oversight questions. The Director still answers to higher-ups in Israel and there’s no need to invite questions from them or from subordinates in his own and sister organizations. This way there’s no need to justify executing her.

September 18, 2009 at 9:16 AM

Ah, okay. Although, would Israel, even on a fictional show, turn over one of its own? Not sure. At the very least, I think, in the scenario that says that the Mossad is behind it, they’d want the intelligence garnered from her, which wouldn’t happen if enemies were conducting the interrogation.

September 20, 2009 at 4:56 PM

To quote one of our favorite shows (and its not a perfect analogy) “Ain’t nothing but a family thing.”

If the family dynamic wasn’t supposed to play into everything, then the character would have never been written to be her father.

September 21, 2009 at 2:14 PM

Yeah, I agree it would have totally been an unnecessary detail unless it served a greater purpose. But what are you referencing specifically here that it is playing into?

September 16, 2009 at 3:20 PM

Neither of those situations crossed my mind– I just assumed she was on a Mossad mission and got caught (which, now thinking about it, may be part of the grand plan to learn more about a terrorist cell and who is involved). But maybe I am just naive…

September 16, 2009 at 8:07 PM

I thought the same, but turning it over as the premiere nears, it dawned on me just how fast it all happened – too fast. Also, I doubt she’d be able to walk right back into the Mossad’s open arms after at the very least displaying loyalty to a US intelligence agency when her loyalties weren’t being tested. If he’s good at his job, I think her father would need to know exactly what NCIS means to her before allowing her back. Which even overlooks the sudden thought that her entire time at NCIS could have been as an unwitting spy, and this is the debrief….

September 17, 2009 at 6:07 AM

“Will Ducky’s “Mother” make another appearance? — Can’t remember; did she die?”

While it’s been stated that Ducky’s mother had gone to a nursing home, the actress who played her – the legendary film and stage actress Nina Foch – passed away in December 2008.

September 17, 2009 at 8:53 AM

Wow; no disrespect intended. I just couldn’t remember why she had come up last. I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for telling me.

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