CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Not enough about our boy George?

The Chief mourns George

I had seen the first hour of the Grey’s Anatomy season premiere, but not the second. The first hour was pretty damn powerful, with some incredible performances, specifically from Sara Ramirez and Chandra Wilson (friends questioned me about my vote for Wilson over Sandra Oh for the Emmy nod … Need only to look at the scene between Bailey and Arizona for the reason why). But the question came up in the Live Blog/Chat (and shame on you for missing!) … Was there really enough time spent on the loss of George O’Malley?

Personally, I think there was. It was most certainly the main thrust of the first hour. I cared very little about either patient featured (though Martha Plimpton was awesome), but they were really secondary to what was going on. The second hour, however, they played a larger role, to the detriment of what was going on amongst the staff of Seattle Grace (and, I guess, Mercy West). The hour wrapped up nicely, though, examining how the characters were finally coping with what had happened to their friend. Meredith finally cried, Izzie and Alex had a breakthrough, and it finally hit Cristina.

A quick second about the Mercy West/Seattle Grace storyline. I love how this will be shaking things up. You never know how the teams will be integrated, so there’s politics and intrigue. And it proves that that there are no original storylines on television anymore.

  • Arizona’s “I’ll be his person” bit was good … LOVE the addition of Capshaw to the main cast
  • Crying Girl was soooooo annoying that I have to wonder I would have perceived the character had Kaley Cuoco had been able to play the role
  • Derek pulling Sloan’s chain was classic
  • Arizona’s monologue on the McDreamy nickname was good, but Alex’s look was perfect
  • “Girls talk … You might want to consider that the next time you judge my Post-It”
  • “You’re saying I have JV cancer?”
  • Oh: Cristina/Owen … Loved their scene in the ambulance bay: It was tender, but when the truck got there, they were all business

What did you think about the premiere? Sound off in the comments!

Photo Credit: ABC

5 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Not enough about our boy George?”

September 25, 2009 at 12:05 AM

Hey Ivey, thanks for all the fun snarky comments during the live blog. I think you kept me from crying, which is probably a good thing. I’m going to watch this again Saturday and see how I feel about it. I still think there should have been more focus on losing George, but I suppose all opinions differ. Oh and you missed noting Callie’s “That’s right, I said RUE.”

September 25, 2009 at 12:19 AM

I’m not done with Callie, or her CLASSIC line … I just think her performance in the first hour was so incredible, it will probably rate its own post later in the week.

That’s right, I said RUE!

September 25, 2009 at 12:21 AM

Cristina/Owen are THE BEST!!!!!!! Glad you finally realize that. And snarky Cristina is also AWESOME.

September 25, 2009 at 12:40 AM

First of all, congrats on spelling Cristina’s name right… A+! Second of all, subtly making a dig at your “friends” (Sandra Oh rocks my socks — and that Bailey/Arizona scene did not blow my mind in the way it apparently blew yours)…F-! (Yes, I know that’s not a real grade, but if there were, that’s what you get.)

I absolutely adored Cristina and Owen’s scenes together. I think they’ve really grown as a couple. And I’m glad he was talking about his trauma with her. They are happy and secure, which is leaps and bounds away from the angst-ridden tone of season 5. Cristina sitting in on therapy with Owen? It was both comedy and touching. Obviously, I adore his couple. (And holy sex on fire!)

I know you love Bailey, but you have to admit she was so out of line telling Cristina that she should learn how to speak to an attending. This coming from a woman who is infamous for talking back to superiors…and forcing them to go to the woods. The overall bitchiness she exhibited was semi-redeemed (for me) in that elevator scene with Derek and Bailey. As Bailey had once done for Derek, he did for her — letting her gather herself and take stock of what was happening.

Alex was very strong in the second episode, especially with that impassioned speech he gives Izzie for why he can’t touch her. Broke my heart. I think Justin Chambers is definitely getting some meatier material, and it’s awesome.

I definitely felt for Meredith — when she cries, I tear up as well. See, if a character doesn’t cry excessively, it makes the times they do cry mean more. Her, Callie, and Cristina’s reactions to accepting George’s death as reality all hit home for me. I applaud them all.

The funeral scene was unexpected, but I liked it. The laughing seemed to fit, especially with the never-ending crying from Amanda (see above remark how one should limit the waterworks for best effect). But I felt George’s death. I teared up, I admit it. The way they handled George’s death worked for me.

Last note before this turns into an essay: Cristina’s snarkiness is back, which I am excited to see. Retro Cristina is always fun — inappropriate and not politically correct at times, but always fun. “I’ll have sex with you, Izzie” and “Anyone else I can offend?” — perfect. Season 5 established that she was not a “robot” — as so many have called her — so it’s great to see some of that old lightheartedness come back into the show. And that goes for the entire episode. I’m glad things are getting lighter. Last season was just so dark and twisty. This season seems to be getting a tad more bright and shiny.

September 25, 2009 at 10:59 AM

You can read more about the episode’s condition – tethered code syndrome, here:

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