CliqueClack TV

Entourage – Matt Damon sucker punches Vince with a Bono conference call

matt damon on entourage

What did people have against Matt Damon’s appearance after the end of last week’s episode of Entourage? Well, not him so much as Vince’s stumbling through a spot for the Damon supported charity onexone. People said things like, “Clearly it was scripted, but it’s no fake Vince/Adrian Grenier,” or “Damon really was frustrated with how crappy an actor Vince/Grenier is.” It was a parody, folks, and it was hilarious! And the joke was on Damon.

That was Damon playing his lighter side, same as this week. Yes he believes in the cause, and yeah, I’m betting part of his deal was exposure for the charity, but he was being Matt Damon, star of The Informant!, or his Sarah Silverman video … people need to quit being so negative about Vince, and start appreciating the great character that Grenier has carved out of stone. He’s the typical Hollywood lay-about, springing to attention only when a Matt Damon, when a Bono, when a star bigger than him makes him feel just this big. In less than five minutes, Matt Damon made my night (admittedly, I’m already a huge fan … but, still; that includes Seinfeld on Curb).

Stalking Vince at the airport with Lebron James? Research in hand on Vince’s payday for the year, and shaking him down for $150 thousand? Calling from Haiti and cursing him out for being slow to send his check (nice donkey in the background, by the way)? People don’t think this was a joke? Matt Damon is hilarious, and this is one of the greatest guest spots in Entourage history.

Where else are we as the hiatus begins? Eric and Sloan are engaged (kill me), Jamie-Lynn officially dropped Turtle as he sat on an airplane waiting to take off for New Zealand to see her, and Vince and Drama are on their way to Italy to shoot Vince’s Frank Darabont movie.

Interesting career developments, as well. Drama failed to land the Melrose role, but he now has a holding deal for a project that the studio is developing for him … what? They’re developing a project for the former Tarvold? Meanwhile, Ari came to terms with Terence (with a little help from Mrs. Ari on the financing side) and will merge the two agencies … if this is somehow supposed to send Ari off the show prior to season seven, I don’t see it.

And if his new employees weren’t familiar with him already, I’d say Ari made a bit of a bad first impression storming into TMA firing a paintball gun — but they do know him, and he was right on in shooting Jon & Kate’s representation. Also, Lloyd may now be an agent, but he will pay for his betrayal … it may not be worth it in the end.

By the way, I hope you all did stick around past the credits for the Matt Damon diatribe from Haiti. Yet as good as it was, Damon’s best line, within the framework of the show, came much earlier:

“I’m out of the business.” – Drama
“Were you in the business?” – Matt Damon

Zing! Can you say Emmy? Could be….

Have a good vacay, boys. Come back soon!

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Entourage – Matt Damon sucker punches Vince with a Bono conference call”

October 5, 2009 at 9:33 AM

Don’t get mad at me Aryeh! I did not think Damon was funny. Sorry.

I did enjoy the paintball scene.

October 5, 2009 at 11:41 AM

As long as you’re comfortable with being wrong ;)

No, to each there own – I just think it’s crazy that anyone is wondering whether or not the PSA last week was staged. Next thing people will ask is whether Matt Damon really was pissed at Vince, and thus Adrian, for being selfish and lazy … it’s the show, and it was (for some of us) hysterical! Lighten up, people. :)

October 5, 2009 at 11:10 AM

Damon was hilarious at the end of the credits. Did he do something like that last week?? what are you talking about in your first paragraph?

October 5, 2009 at 11:18 AM

wait is this what you’re talking about?
was that on last weeks show? that is hilarious!!!

October 5, 2009 at 11:20 AM

Yes! That’s more or less what aired, but check out the extended version that didn’t all make it in:

Awesome, right?!?

October 5, 2009 at 12:53 PM

The video is actually on the 1×1 website with a blurb that says something like “Entourage supports OnebyOne”

October 5, 2009 at 1:19 PM

is this damn comment system broke???

found link for reference. there are a lot of people from entourage on there. i love the disclaimer: “please pardon our Ambassador’s foul language…”

October 8, 2009 at 11:14 PM

First of all that bit at the end of last weeks show (when they were trying to shoot the PSA) was pretty funny. the same people that think that was real are the same people that think Borat was real.
Second, the funniest line from the season finale was;

(Drama on the phone with Matt Damon)
Drama: Vince isn;t here Matt.
MD: (Yelling) Put vince on the phone Johnny!
Drama: Vince, he wants you
Vince: I told you I’m noy here.
Drama: He pulled a Jason Bourne on me!

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