CliqueClack TV

Greek – Who wouldn’t be after Dale just for his body?

When the politics bug bites Casey, she must figure out whether her future plans mesh with Cappie's. Meanwhile, Rusty discovers just what the price of fame is, and Dale gets a new job to fund his research.

It’s hard to decipher whether actual progress was made on Greek last night, or if it just feels like it wasn’t because of how long we’ve been discussing Casey’s and Cappie’s post-graduation futures. Either way, I did like that there was some movement on that front, even if it did happen in a somewhat 0-60 manner.

What I’m really liking is how Greek is being consistent about following up on Dale self-funding his research. Hopefully his trying to earn/raise money will become a regular story, but connecting his need for money with ZBZ’s need for a new hasher was a stroke of genius. Dale and Rebecca are hilarious together, and Dale’s assumption that Ashleigh wanted him for nothing more than his body …  I think Billy Graham Cracker is onto something.

Assuming that Dale hangs around ZBZ, and that this is not another lost thread, I can imagine him raising his proselytizing to a new level, counseling scantily clad girls before parties, giving abstinence lectures, and leaving Christian-themed pamphlets around the house. Plus I can see some of those ladies falling for him hard … that’s Daley for you!

Rusty was back in that place where I can’t stand him last night. He gets on these head trips and becomes a very different character, possibly showing enough Jacob Zachar that he takes me out of his scenes. And the net result is I’m not liking him or his story. The Gary Wyatt Grant thing could be fun, but not like this. And his advisor/mentor only begrudgingly giving him guidance after the whole EW fiasco? Swell guy.

Kappa Tau always has something creative going on at their house, and I was very into Turtle NASCAR. When it started at the beginning of the episode, I imagined the race still going at the end of the hour, no matter how many days would have passed. How can you not love it when those guys get all decked out in racing regalia, and build a homemade track for the turtles? That’s what the KTs are all about. Although I wonder … did Cappie’s saying he liked turtles carry some significance?

It would seem that he won’t be doing the “G” word anytime soon, unless you can graduate without having fulfilled the requirements for a major. If I’m remembering college correctly, I think Cappie would have de facto been assigned a major had he fulfilled (or almost fulfilled) the credits for one specifically, which means he probably has some time yet before he needs to worry about actually graduating. But it was very Cappie that his “big” decision was to get the declaration form.

Casey, meanwhile, looks to be hanging around as well, as her dreams for a future in Washington (she was dead-set against it after her internship, but whatever) seem to run through law school first. That buys her three years, actually one longer than Rusty and the other sophomores, who might go on to get their PhDs at CRU, in which case they’re in for another 5-7…. I’m getting ahead of myself, but the point is that both Casey and Cappie seem to potentially be locked down. Once Evan realizes he can’t afford a fancy law school, and Ashleigh remembers that she hasn’t taken school seriously and won’t get a job without a Masters, the whole group will be set to return next season.

Now they just need that renewal order.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Greek – Who wouldn’t be after Dale just for his body?”

February 20, 2010 at 10:56 PM

I missed the last few episodes because i didn’t have cable. I got it back now. I might have a date on Monday and will miss this episode too, however….. IT’S BEEN RENEWED!!!

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