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NCIS – You mean Gibbs’ sniper rifle is licensed and registered?

Abby's participation in a joint-Mexican task force unearths a secret buried deep in Gibbs' past. But is someone setting him up for a big fall?

- Season 7, Episode 22 - "Borderland"

First and foremost, score one for An on her call last week that Gibbs’ Mexican past was about to come back and bite him in the butt. You examined the disparate pieces and saw right through the Rena Sofer head-fake — nice one!

For those of you not following along at home, I’m referring to the “B” story on last night’s episode of NCIS (really the “A,” but not the case the team was investigating). I’m disappointed in the fact that we had to get more Abby in order to get to the story, but even that didn’t put a damper on how much I enjoyed it.

The question, of course, is who’s behind the cold case’s reemergence. I’m still putting my money on Mr. Hart and Colonel Bell, although I’m not sure I see how just yet. Because, let’s face it, wouldn’t it be all the more demoralizing to discover that Hart’s been hanging around for our pleasure? For the sake of our own sanity she’s got to repeatedly be coming back for a good reason.

I also think Vance played a role, although knowing the show I’m willing to bet that it will at first seem to have been for a dastardly purpose, until we later discover that he was acting on Gibbs’ instructions because Gibbs wanted to get that off his chest … or something like that.

The rest of the episode wasn’t short on enjoyable moments either. Talk about your traumatizing birthdays … can you imagine telling your therapist about your seventh birthday, when grandpa let you use the car crusher and there was a dead body inside oozing blood out of the trunk? Because he will be telling that to a shrink someday.

Tony’s battle with random chat was beyond funny, and I actually found it a bit disappointing that McGee was behind Tony’s frustrations, because that meant that Tony likely stopped trying. Aside from rolling the dice on some free nudity, what in the world is chat roulette good for?

The hanging pairs of feet in the van gave me a movie-moment flashback to the necklace of ears that Dolph Lundgren’s character wore around his neck in Universal Soldier. Yum.

Did anyone else see a striking resemblance between Vance’s secretary and former agent and mole Michelle Lee (Liza Lapira) from seasons past? There was something there, but I doubt they would have brought Lapira back for a spot like that.

Is Gibbs’ house the great meeting place of the world now? First Tony (awesome), then Mr. Hart (the horror) and now Abby. I’m honestly not sure if I find Abby more annoying when she’s being lab-rat Abby, or when she’s playing little girl to Gibbs, but it’s at least a very close call. I simply fail to understand what people see in her.

But with her or without her, I’m definitely feeling the excitement in the ramp-up to the end of season seven. Hopefully the end of this season will flow into the beginning of next season with a bit more plausibility than last season moved into the beginning of this one. Those who catch my drift….

“Grab your gear … and a little self-respect.” – Gibbs to Tony, when Tony’s wearing the “funny” nose and glasses

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Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | NCIS | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “NCIS – You mean Gibbs’ sniper rifle is licensed and registered?”

May 12, 2010 at 12:37 PM

I saw McGee’s joke as him becoming less the “probie” and more the equal. He is usually the but of Tony’s jokes.
I did not like the whole water/yogurt gag. Anyone who was as sick as McGee claimed to be on his previous trip to Mexico, would never eat anything that was not pasteurized. I will give them the toothbrush and water deal.

Nitpicks: The car was still there after 20 years and the windows were still in place? Really?
Both Abby and McGee had been told that the area was not safe and even going to a local hotel wasn’t safe, so two people who are supposed to be intelligent decide to go on a field trip with no security?

May 12, 2010 at 12:45 PM

We are expected to believe that Gibbs did not police his brass? On this one I am hoping it is a plant and he was not that careless. Perhaps Hart took it from Gibbs’ house.

May 12, 2010 at 1:17 PM

Maybe … I couldn’t tell if it was a shell-casing or a live round. If the latter, there may have been something to the lady’s “he left us a message.”

May 12, 2010 at 1:16 PM

Abby’s a bad seed. It’s her fault.

May 13, 2010 at 1:53 AM

Abby’s a lab geek who almost never ventures into the field. McGee knows better and whose only reason for being sent to Mexico was specifically to protect her. The bad security was definitely his fault.

Best acting I’ve seen from Perrette in a while. She seemed as much adult as little-girl-lost.

For some seven year-old boys, it would be a traumatizing experience. For others, it would be the coolest thing ever and would make him a legend at school, particularly since he was the one to start the crusher. Bonus points if Gibbs let him keep the hat.

From what I could see, it was an unfired cartridge (with bullet still attached) that Gibbs left in plain view as a warning to the cartel. If it was just the spent brass, her “he left us a message” would have made no sense.

And no one’s mentioned Claudia Black (sci-fi actor from Farscape and Stargate: SG-1,)!!!

May 13, 2010 at 8:15 AM

I thought so about the bullet. Which told me that Gibbs is actually pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

May 13, 2010 at 11:42 PM

Oh, my husband noticed Claudia Black right away!!!! We were fans of Farscape. Nice to see her in a differet role.

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