CliqueClack TV

Futurama – “All this knowledge is giving me a raging brainer!”

Fry's an idiot, DaVinci's a space alien, and wooden space ships. It's another episode of 'Futurama', and here are some of the best quotes.

- Season 6, Episode 5 - "The Duh-Vinci Code"

“Prepare for pleasantries!” – Morbo

“Don’t you ever stop to think before you speak?” – Hermes
“I never stopped to think about it.” – Fry

“You can barely remember your own name, Einstein!” – Professor
“Einstein is a hard name to remember!” – Fry

“Oh my! It’s DaVinci’s fabled lost invention! Even the scholars who wrote of this device had no idea what it was for. And now, at last, neither do I!” – Professor

“We must fly to Rome and exhume the body of Saint James!” – Professor
“Didn’t we used to be a delivery company?” – Hermes
“To the ship!” – Professor

“It’s an honor to meet you Leonardo. And may I say you were great in Titanic. The Beach? Meh.” – Fry
“That’s Leonardo DiCaprio, you block head! *Punch* Ow!” – Professor
“Heh. It looks like eating rocks wasn’t as dumb as you said.” – Fry

“All this knowledge is giving me a raging brainer!” – Professor

“Fry, I admire what you did today. And I’m deeply sorry for insulting your intellect. Your tiny, tiny intellect. Oops! There I go again, you dope. Uh, I mean dummy.” – Professor

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

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