Between the insanely good quotes, the quality work by three guest stars, and the surprising emotional tone, HIMYM was on fire this week. I still haven’t shaken that Charlie Brown feeling I talked about last week, but this was a good step in the right direction. It is too bad that Marshal and Lily got lost in the shuffle, because all of the other story lines were very solid.
Five minutes into this episode, I was convinced that one of the ongoing arcs of this season would be Barney searching for his father. Despite the way he ended things with his mother, I’m not entirely sure that we won’t see more of this as the season goes on. It started with a throwaway line in the premiere, which is how HIMYM has often times introduced important story lines in the past. I also think it feeds well into another theory I have rattling around in my brain.
Character growth (read: maturity) is something that I think is going to be essential to Barney’s story this season. I’m going on record with my guess that the wedding that was teased last week was, in fact, the ‘ole Swarley-man’s. I think there were enough red herrings that pointed in the direction of Robin potentially being the bride, but in the end, I’m thinking they’re just that — head fakes to get nit-pickers like me thinking in the wrong direction. But, Barney, a married man? Yeah, I think so.
Notes & Quotes
- “That thing you’re packing is way too big to fit in that box.” – Barney
“Yeah, that’s what your mom said.” – Ted
“How dare you?!?!” – Barney
“No, she actually said that.” – Ted
“Oh, dear, I thought I told you that’s just not going to fit in there.” – Barney’s Mom
- “And how is my delicious little grandson?” – Barney’s Mom
“Oh, did he get the clothes I sent him?” – Barney
“Check it. Ah? How cute is that, right? When was the last time you saw a diaper poking out of a Dolce and Gib Suit” – James
“Tuesday at work. Some of the senior partners are really getting up there.” – Marshal
- I couldn’t accurately quote the Karate Kid reference, without visuals, but it was awesome.
- “And Barney’s no help. He still believes every lie mom told us growing up. I caught on early. Careful! Michael Jackson gave me that glove for my tenth … Damn.” – James
- “And then there’s the most popular parental lie in history” – Lily
“Yeah but that’s a good lie…. Like when we tell Ted he’ll me the right girl and settle down.” – Marshal
“I always find that reassuring.” – Ted
“You will meet her buddy!” – Marshal
“You think so?” – Ted
“Yeah!” – Marshal
- “Ted Mosby is solid as a rock … No, dependable … No, rugged … No …” – Ted
“Why don’t I just go to the Chevy website and copy down adjectives?” – Robin
- “You said she was a ten!” – Ted
“I did not specify on what scale!” – Robin
- “Here’s the truth: Sam is not your father.” – Barney’s mom
“Are you sure?” – Barney
“Yes … He’s black, dear.” – Barney’s Mom

Photo Credit: CBS
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Clacked by Ivey West
on Sep 27, 2010 @ 23:41 EST5EDT
I always watch TV with the captions on that way I don’t have to turn the volume up ridiculously loud to hear everything that gets said. Occasionally the words don’t match what the characters are saying on the screen. Tonight’s episode, near the end, had adult Ted saying Barney would meet his father sooner than anybody would realize. Not a word for word quote but that was the gist of it.