CliqueClack TV

Undercovers – This show really needs more ass kicking

'Undercovers' is in big trouble, ratings-wise. The solution can be found in J.J. Abrams's past.

In case you haven’t heard, Undercovers isn’t doing so well. It’s down 24% from last week’s numbers, which weren’t all that stellar in their own right. I was ridiculously excited for this show to premiere: It’s J.J. Abrams, it’s a spy show, and it has two African-American leads. It looked like it was going to be amazing. So what’s the problem?

There are several (the CliqueClack staff got into quite the discussion about it today), but the short answer is this: Undercovers needs about 70% more ass kicking. We’re only two episodes in, and nothing has wowed me. It’s not funny enough to be Chuck, and it doesn’t kick enough ass to be Alias. Instead, it meanders in this weird middle space that just ends up being kind of annoying.

Chuck has constant witty banter and fast jokes — plus a lot of ass kicking, so it works. Alias was highly dramatic, so Marshall provided some much-needed comic relief — plus, there was all of the aforementioned ass kicking. Undercovers has According to Jim-grade marital bickering and Hoyt who brings comic relief when none is called for. Plus, now they have Leo, who serves the same purpose as Hoyt, except he has an amazing dimple and says things like, “doing sex.” Even Gerald McRaney is grimacing through his lines, thinking, “I beat lung cancer for this shit?”

Instead of basing an entire episode on, “Men. They just won’t read directions! Amirite ladies?” This episode should have been based on people getting kicked in the face. Because that’s what spy shows are supposed to be about. In case you need a video illustration of what I mean, I ask that you turn your attention to Francie vs. Sydney on the season 2 finale of Alias (subtitle: Francie doesn’t like coffee ice cream):


This is what Undercovers needs more of, and STAT (also, holy Lost music cues, Abrams). I need roundhouse kicks to the gut, and faces slashed with broken mirror. And above all, I need less quiche.

What do you think Undercovers is missing?

Photo Credit: NBC

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3 Responses to “Undercovers – This show really needs more ass kicking”

September 30, 2010 at 11:14 PM

Still one of the greatest fight scenes ever. Loved the so very little, and so very perfect use of music (You’re right, by Lost’s (Up, Star Trek, Fringe, Let Me In) Michael Giacchino).

October 1, 2010 at 8:00 AM


Seems like the writers are totally mailing it in. I rolled my eyes at the stupid bomb diffusion at the end. How many times have we seen a “which wire should I cut” situation. This episode brought nothing new to the scenario. So disappointing.

I found Hoyt to be slightly less annoying in this episode, and Leo to be slightly more annoying.

Every time I see Gerald McCraney in this I get nostalgic for Deadwood and keep hoping he’ll mash someone’s hand to pulp.

October 1, 2010 at 11:11 AM

You are so right. It was one of the new shows I was looking forward to, particularly with Gerald McCraney supporting. To say I am disappointed so far is a gross understatement. It took a season to fix Chuck, then I think they almost messed it up again–they seemed to have taken the right steps to get it back in shape. I don’t intend to wait that long again for another show.

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