CliqueClack TV

Caprica ramps up, but it may be too late

The path for the series seems clearer after this episode, though that doesn't mean it was successful in bringing in new viewers or even retaining old ones.

After a six month hiatus, Caprica is back to at least complete out the final half of its first season. In the last episode, in March, we were left wondering what happened to Amanda, seeing as she apparently jumped from the bridge. Alas, my prayers from earlier in the season were once again not answered. The writers also decided to have fun fraking with us, having Daniel say his wife was dead. Even with him saying that, I saw right through it and knew there was much more to the story than that. So, what was probably supposed to be a huge “OMG!” moment fell flat.

Having Amanda around and shacking up with Clarice makes sense, since now we know how Clarice plans to get the cylon technology for the purposes of “apotheosis.” I’m not really sure why Daniel is pretending she’s dead, though. Does he really think she is dead, leaving messages to her as a sort of therapy? Is he protecting her? And how in the hell did she survive it? There’s a long stretch of time there that we’ll likely flashback to at some point.

What I did like about this episode was how it seemed to firmly establish the next big step for the advancement of cylons. Both Daniel and Clarice have rather the same thing in mind: a way for people to live on past death. It’s no longer about fighting robots, or at least not the ones Daniel will be working on. The way it was put is rather compelling, actually. What if a religion didn’t have to be based on faith, but was instead based on certainty — the certainty being that you will live on again, though in another form?

It really felt like the writers decided to clean things up a bit and move the story along in this episode, though I wonder if it’s just too late now. What viewers were interested may have liked this episode enough to stick with the show, though it once again did nothing to bring newcomers into the fold. The face that we’re not done with New Cap City is still a bit confusing, and they need to establish what purpose it has in the overall story. Right now it just feels like a side plot that’s gone on way too long, and I’d like to see an end in sight (even though I think parts of New Cap City look pretty cool). And this latest episode really screamed out The Matrix again, didn’t it?

What did you think of the show’s return? Are you happier

Photo Credit: Syfy

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4 Responses to “Caprica ramps up, but it may be too late”

October 6, 2010 at 1:53 PM

I am happier Caprica is back. We see Joseph further give himself to the dark side. Clarice is firmly settled on the dark side. When Joseph’s organized crime meets Clarice’s terrorists, it’s bound to be entertaining and worth the wait. Also, worth the wait will be any confrontation between daughters Adama and Graystone. Let’s also not forget that this Little Bill has brown eyes, and that means something.

What I found perverse and disturbing was Clarice and Co. referring to that woman as the blessed mother. There is only One “Blessed Mother” for me.

Looking forward to the numbers and next weeks episode.

October 6, 2010 at 8:31 PM

I am really happy to have Caprica back on the air. Even though this does not hold a candle to RDM’s BSG yet, I still make it a point to watch every episode.

My only complaint from the episode was the actress they chose for the Blessed Mother. She was awful. The tea scene made me cringe. Truly wretched acting.

October 6, 2010 at 8:40 PM

Can’t argue with you there — her acting was pretty awful.

October 7, 2010 at 1:35 AM

The ratings were pretty awful, more people watched Weeds and almost The Big C on Showtime than Caprica.

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