CliqueClack TV

The Event – Why is Sean Walker so important?

While there are a lot of questions in need of answering on 'The Event,' I feel quite confident that we'll get them all answered in due time. Y'know, unlike some other shows. *Cough*Lost*Cough*

I’ll start with a minor issue I’m having with the show right now. It seems pretty strange that the President would be bothering with walking around the facility where the revived passengers were being held. Doesn’t he have other pressing things he has to do, especially when this incident is something the rest of the country doesn’t even have the smallest inkling is going on? Besides that, they say they put the terror threat level up to orange, which is public information. What do they tell the public about why they raised the threat level? I guess they don’t have to be very specific, but it’s just odd they’d make any of this even a little bit public knowledge, when the Miami press conference never got off the ground.

The flashback to Sophia’s conversation with the President really has be questioning my time travel theory now. She marveled at his past and how he became president, as though it was a history she had never known about. I guess it’s always possible she was lying or parts of American history were lost in the future, but I at least doubt the latter. There’s not a whole lot longer many of us can hold out before we get some sort of idea of who these people are and where they came from.

Vickie’s story is an odd one. I was assuming all along that she was one of The Othɘrs, but it appears she’s just a normal human being. So why is she working for them, if she actually is at all? This also brings up the mystery of Sean Walker and why he’s apparently so damned important. We know he was ordered to stop the flight from being hijacked in the first episode, but there’s a slew of details behind that that are yet to be revealed. Does he turn out to be a threat in the future, which is why he needs to be dealt with? Or is it at all possible that he’s one of The Othɘrs, maybe a sleeper agent or sorts?

Was there something supposed to be up with that scotch that Sean drank? There was an odd, spooky sound made after he drank it, but that could just be The Event‘s weird flashback/flashforward sound they use. It was an odd and out of place scene, though, so it’s not out of the question to wonder what the heck it was supposed to mean. I thought maybe it was to point out that Sean’s story of his dad being a drunk might be hogwash, as it’d be more likely he’d decide not to drink at all. But I don’t know enough about that to make a good guess. I will say that all of Sean’s flashbacks in this episode really seem to call out that he’s got something to hide.

The ending reveal wasn’t as good as those we’d seen in the past two episodes. I knew something was up in the police station the moment I saw the other officer there, as he was an actor who looked familiar to me — usually a sign the person’s the guilty one or has something else going on later. Still, it was a good enough episode to keep me interested and moving forward. Are you still on board?

Photo Credit: Adam Rose/NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “The Event – Why is Sean Walker so important?”

October 12, 2010 at 12:30 AM

Great review. I agree with what you’re saying about The Event. For me some of the flashbacks seem to be out of place and are shown at the wrong time.
For example in episode two, in the middle of Sean being chased by two FBI agents at the hospital, we’re shown a flashback to when Sean first met Leila lol I was like, “Whah? Why are we having a flashback now?”. I understand the need to show this flashback, so that we can further bond with the characters and other reasons, but the writers/producers need to learn the right time when to show a flashback and when not to.
Also, flashbacks need to have a thematic purpose – not just randomly thrown in without any context. Some of Event’s flashbacks seem so in this regard.

And thanks for the dig at LOST haha! that show left me numb after that pitiful final season. There were literally no answers given to us in that final season except for the Whispers and the Adam & Eve skeletons and a few other insignifcant answers – but even they felt a bit artificial to be honest. Let’s hope the Event doesn’t fall into this trap and actually answers as much as it creates questions.

October 12, 2010 at 12:38 AM

Why is Sean Walker so important? Could he be a hybrid? It seems important that he doesn’t really have any family.

October 13, 2010 at 12:49 AM

After the conversation about his mother abandoning him, I think she might be one of the Event Planners (Did we ever decide what to call these people?).

The fact he said he had a drunk of a father wouldn’t stop him from having one scotch. Though there is definatley something important about the scotch.

Now lets hope the ratings won’t cancel the show before we have a chance to find out.

October 12, 2010 at 1:02 AM

Keith, the time travel still works if she (they) is/are from the past. (Fingerprints Of The Gods stuff, Atlanteans or somesuch?)

Sean is “special” somehow, and innocent and childlike somehow. The Scotch was telling, but I’m not sure what to make of it, except the obvious that w/ an alchy dad he might not/should not be a drinker, so he could be lying.

I wonder what happened to the little sister…?

The Event sure likes water, rain, rain, pool, water. Something to that, too early to say what.

Still totally on board. I hope other are too!

October 12, 2010 at 7:05 AM

The little sister was just a baby in the flashback. She was mentioned. It was 5 years earlier, remember. :)

October 12, 2010 at 9:11 AM

Yes, I just was wondering when we are going to see her again present time. Did they kill her too? I dd not think so.

October 13, 2010 at 8:23 PM

i think sean was trying to stop the plane on his own, not on anyone’s orders. they said he is smart as hell & great with computers. I’m pretty sure they want him dead before he can find out what’s going on & expose it.

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