CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – We’re half way there and livin’ on a prayer

'Dancing with the Stars' has reached its halfway point, and it's still Jennifer Grey's competition to lose. This week we had monkeys, dancing police officers and Mrs. Brady performing for our TV theme pleasure. I loves me some TV themes....

- Season 11, Episode 9 - ""Season 11, Episode 9""

Dancing with the Stars featured TV themes this week, and that made me happy. My friends laugh at me, as I can sing almost any TV theme you can challenge me with, so I knew going in that at least the music wouldn’t be boring me.

I wish I could say as much forBristol Palin. I haven’t talked about Bristol much in my reviews so far, mostly because she has stayed in the middle of the scoring pack. But as we weed out more and more of the most obvious and horrific people, it was inevitable that I’d get to her sooner or later.

First of all, let me say that her Mother has absolutely nothing to do with what I am about to say. I’m judging Bristol strictly on her dance performance. I don’t know much about her as a person, except that she’s a teen activist. And I don’t need to know more really. I can tell you that she should send the Hoff and Michael Bolton some flowers for keeping her in the running this long, though.

Bristol actually could be a good dancer; she’s coordinated. But when it comes to expressing herself or acting a part, well … she’s lost. It may have something to do with her age. She’s seemed very embarrassed and hesitant to me. And hey! If you would’ve put me on DWTS when I was only twenty, good golly knows what we’d have seen! A lot of smoke breaks and crying probably.

Tonight’s dance featured Bristol shaking her monkey maker. Seriously. She was in a monkey suit for the first half of the performance, dancing to the theme song for The Monkees TV show. Man. I loooved Michael Nesmith, didn’t you?

Anyway. I thought the judges were really easy on her. Bristol got confused, missed lots of steps, she was offbeat, stiff … I could go on and on. But the judges gave her props for trying to improve the performance aspect of her dance. I think they would have raked her over the coals if they thought she could take it. They’ve showed no mercy to Kyle, the Hoff, the Situation, or Michael Bolton.

So, she’s Ba Bye.

In terms of who did well, there’s a new contender poking her nose up Jennifer Grey‘s skirt, and that is Brandy. She was first out of the box, and danced to the Friends theme with her partner, Maks. Most of the background footage and talk with Brooke Brooke (how annoying is she?) after the performance concerned the turbulent relationship between the two partners in the past. Apparently, Maks read my review about how cruel he was being to her, and decided to turn on the nice guy image. At least that’s my guess. But Brandy assured us that now is all hunky and dory. Whew!

On to next week! Watch out Florence….

Photo Credit: ABC

9 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – We’re half way there and livin’ on a prayer”

October 19, 2010 at 1:04 AM

I enjoyed the last 90 minutes of tonight’s show. Could have completely done without the 30 minutes of “best dances” filler. I’m glad next week will be 2 dances, as that will mean less filler. Loved Jennifer’s performance, I thought she was a great Doris Day type character. I agree that Bristol really looked lost, and will probably go home tomorrow night.

October 19, 2010 at 3:23 PM

I could have dealt without that too, Lisana. And I thought the judges were hard on Jennifer. If the only bad thing they could talk about were her facial expression at times, I mean really. Her score should have been higher.

October 19, 2010 at 2:14 AM

. . . . .

The Hoff … !!!

The Bolt … !!!

The Cho … !!!

The Sitch … !!!

The Pail … !!!

Five down … downtown! Brilliant … !!!

October 19, 2010 at 10:17 AM

FTD….might even have an app for a cell phone but at least I know they accessible via the internet. Only thing I can think nice to was a cute dress. But then there is my smart mouthed husband who said of Bristol’s performance: Why she got pregnant as a teen…got no rhythm.

October 19, 2010 at 10:45 AM

. . . . .

Michael <——- fan of smart-mouthed husbands

October 19, 2010 at 4:06 PM

I wonder if you could handle your Gordon on DWTS, shirt unbuttoned, all sweaty and shaking his stuff! Hell you’d be a hot mess, that’s all, just a hot mess and we’d get no reports.

Guess we better keep him off the dance floor and in the kitchen :-)

October 19, 2010 at 4:11 PM

*am having a hot flash!*

October 19, 2010 at 5:02 PM

I like Maks. The meaner he is to the dimwits he coaches, the happier I am.

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