CliqueClack TV

Human Target shines when the team is together

Well, what do you know -- just about everything in tonight's episode worked.

“Four of them, two of us.” – Winston
“They won’t know what hit ‘em.” – Chance

From the very first scene, with Chance and Winston waiting for the new client, this episode had a feel like the season one episodes. Few words, lots of spunk: After the car bomb goes off, “That’s our client.”

And the spunk just continues … I’m liking Ilsa more and more, from how cool she was about the “adoption” by forgery to her sneaking out, shoeless, through the top of the elevator. I liked the interchanges between Ilsa and Guerrero as well (checks versus cash, gift of treasury paper). I’m glad they shifted focus from Guerrero and Ames this week. In fact, there was just enough Ames for me, babysitting for the client and smashing up the El Do.

The best part of the episode is that the team was together nearly the whole time, rocking the badass. Guerrero “questioning” the Mongrel was classic Guerrero; I’d miss scenes like that if they disappeared. Chance’s fight scene with the four dirty cops toward the end of the episode was great, albeit short.

I didn’t actually think I’d care, but I liked getting to know a bit of Winston’s back story and meeting his ex-wife.

Together, they are a well-oiled machine. I think the bonding feels different this season, even in the last scene between Winston and Chance (the hesitant man-love is gone), but their team dynamics are seamless and it just plain worked tonight.

What do you think — is it possible that Human Target can pull off a second season that lives up to the first?

Photo Credit: Liane Hentscher/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Human Target shines when the team is together”

December 16, 2010 at 10:38 PM

Three weeks and the team hasn’t earned a dime yet.
First they help the wife of a Chance victim, then they help the new thief girl and now a criminal with no memory. How the hell could Mrs. Pucci (every time I hear that I see Homer Simpson’s Poochie character) afford to pay these people.

December 17, 2010 at 6:22 AM

What I loved about last season was that Chance, much like Michael Westen, took on poor clients all the time without worrying about being paid. If they could afford it, great, otherwise he didn’t sweat the mundane details. As an added bonus, it pissed off Winston to no end how Chance would throw money out their door.

That being said, Ilsa is worth billions (and luckily isn’t busy overseeing her dozens of businesses, concerns, and enterprises, or she’d never be able to drop in all the time). Chance’s expenses are barely a line item for her.

Yes, it’s unfortunate about Poochie. I think I’ve seen that reference on every message board that discusses the show.

I’m glad to hear that the show has delivered two stellar episodes in a row. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for the second season to live up to the first for me, because it’s just not that 80’s-style, kung-fu grip, planes, trains, and fast automobiles action show I signed up for. I’m sure it’s a very good quirky ensemble procedural in which we learn more about the characters and their lives every week, but I’m not interested in yet another show of that ilk.

December 17, 2010 at 11:59 PM

I have to agree with you about the core change of the show, but I’m still watching it. I guess I hope it’ll eventually correct its course and go back to the greatness it once was, but unless they drop these two new characters I don’t believe it will. So I suppose I’m watching and waiting for the episode where Pucci and Ames are removed from the equation.

Yeah, I’m probably fooling myself.

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