CliqueClack TV

Friday Night Lights – Lions, Landing Strips, and long lost loves

If football is the backdrop of life for Dillon, Texas, then this week's episode showed how the frustrations on the field are representative of our characters' struggles off the field.

Whether we like it or not, the story of Dillon, Texas is quickly coming to an end. After “Gut Check” there are only four more episodes left of Friday Night Lights. Ever. That is a pretty upsetting thing just to think about. Fortunately for us, if those final four episodes are anything like this installment, we will all be in pretty good shape. Everyone seemed to be struggling with something in this episode, and few were able to overcome their challenges by the time the end credits rolled.

The Lions had one of those losses that they’ll appreciate more down the road. As much as I would have liked Friday Night Lights to end with Eric Taylor winning another Texas State Football Championship, I just don’t see that happening now. They certainly have the talent, but I just don’t think that is how this particular story will end. Vince took his lumps, and hopefully will bounce back, both from a performance on the field perspective, but from an attitude standpoint as well.

It is obvious, though, where that attitude comes from. When the son is holding back the father from getting into a physical altercation with the coach, you know that there is all kinds of wrong, in all kinds of ways. Ornette is a cancer to his son, and I think that veil might slowly be beginning to be peeled back, thanks, surprisingly, to Vince’s mom. Hopefully it is not too late to save his relationship with his coach, and accordingly save his college recruitment chances.

Luke Cafferty had an interesting week. Taking over QB1, even if just for one game, is a big thing, especially set against the stage of Vince losing the trust of his team. His lack of confidence made for an interesting storyline. As much as he has (rightfully) criticized Vince in the past several weeks, you’d think he’d carry that bravado forward. Instead, he showed up on Coach’s doorstep at 10:00pm the night before the game to beg off. Was it just me, or did it seem like whatever conversation they had at that point feel cut out of the episode? And how cute was his standing up for Becky?

Speaking of Becky, she’s finally started down the path that was foreshadowed early in the season. Working at a strip club is rarely the right first step on a journey to greater things. As much as she has been through in a short time, I doubt she’s got the emotional maturity to handle how abusive a job like that will be. She flirted well enough now, but at some point the patrons will want a little more than she is willing to give.

Now that Julie has pretty much gotten past the whole teacher affair, I feel obliged to lift my self-imposed (and oft ignored) gag order. While the reunion was great, I’m glad that Matt called her out before she left. Julie needed a reality check from someone with a different last name than Taylor. Their final scene, though, was poignant because we know that Matt is right. Everything is going to be all right for Julie. Going back to school to face up to those problems is the first step. The second, obviously, is her transfer to Northwestern and living happily ever after with Matt.

I’ve mentioned before that I think that Eric’s growing interest in the college job in Florida is a good thing. I think he’s justified; it wasn’t that long ago that the town of Dillon left him hanging in the wind. My only concern, one I think is pretty darn valid, is we’ve seen this story play out before. Buddy will be pissed, players will feel betrayed, etc. But Dillon has not been kind to Eric Taylor, and I can’t fault him for moving on.

Notes & Quotes

  • Am I weird for not loving Matt Saracen but being a fan of Zack Gilford?
  • Mindy and Billy are simultaneously so not right for each other, and so incredibly right for each other.
  • Am I wrong for expecting Coach to go all “There’s no crying in football!” on Jess?
  • Luke seemed to be a much better QB last season than in his first practice back.
  • Speaking of Gilford, it was a “character-shock” to finish this post while watching Off the Map (something like culture shock?), especially since Tommy Fuller is from Chicago.
Photo Credit: DirecTV

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