CliqueClack TV

Aren’t there any rocks for Nir Rosen to just crawl under?

Nir Rosen has already lost one job after his offensive tweets about CBS reporter Lara Logan. So what's next? A disastrous appearance on 'Anderson Cooper 360,' apparently.

Nir Rosen doesn’t make any damn sense. For those of you who don’t know the story, Nir Rosen is a freelance journalist who very efficiently tanked his career a few days ago after tweeting a string of offensive statements about CBS reporter Lara Logan’s horrific sexual assault.

During his late-night tirade, he repeatedly called her a war-monger and referenced her attack in relation to the one Anderson Cooper had suffered earlier, saying that Logan had to “outdo Anderson” and that it “would be funny if it happened to Anderson too.” So … yeah. Rosen quickly realized that rape jokes don’t really play that well and tried to delete several of his tweets.

The next day, he quit his fellowship at NYU, and, by all rights, should just be hiding out somewhere. Except this guy is clearly an idiot; or, at the very least, has some sort of mental imbalance, because instead of hiding in a closet and waiting for this whole thing to blow over, he went on Anderson Cooper’s show.

I can’t begin to imagine the thought process that went through his head when Cooper’s producers called him and invited him on. What has to be wrong for a man’s brain to think that going on a TV show hosted by a man who you joked about being raped while making fun of an actual rape victim was in any way a good idea? Because clearly, it isn’t, as you can see in the video below.

It’s a short interview, because, really, how much is there to say? The guy has no defense other than claiming ignorance, and admits multiple times that he’s a jerk. What was Rosen possibly hoping to gain from this television appearance? He looked like a dick before, and now he looks like an even bigger one. I’m no image consultant, but this is probably the opposite of what he should want right now.

Have we become so fame-obsessed in this country that we will gladly sign up for public flagellation if there’s a camera pointed at us while it happens? I’m a huge Anderson Cooper fan, and if his producers called me up, I’d jump at the chance to be on his show. However, I would perform a mental checklist before I said yes: “Have I publicly made fun of any rape victims lately?” “Have I had to quit my job because I’ve made fun of any rape victims lately?” “Have I publicly implied that it would be hilarious if Anderson Cooper was raped?” If the answer to any of these questions was “yes,” then I would POLITELY DECLINE.

Maybe now, since he’s been ripped a new one by Cooper, Rosen will find some sand, dig a hole, and stick his head in it for the foreseeable future.

Photo Credit: CNN

3 Responses to “Aren’t there any rocks for Nir Rosen to just crawl under?”

February 17, 2011 at 6:02 PM

Sounds like he’s only interested in justice for people he likes. Does he actually think anyone believes the back pedaling?

February 17, 2011 at 9:07 PM

There’s nothing I can find redeeming about his interview. He keeps saying he didn’t know the assault was sexual, but his tweets clearly show otherwise. The least he could have done was to be completely honest and there may have been some marginal redemption.

I don’t think it needs to be said, but there are NO circumstances under which sexual assault is humorous. I’m sure if Nir spent some time in prison he would come to that realization very quickly. I actually feel sorry for him.

February 18, 2011 at 1:24 AM

I wonder if he is one of those “open minded” people I’m always hearing about?

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