CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – The finale!

And the winner is ... wait. Is it Mirrorball or Mirabel? Oh who cares. The winner is ...

My girl Chelsea Kane got the shaft on not winning Dancing With the Stars this season. She was rooked. It was a fix. I’m mad as a hatter. It ain’t fair, and all the rest! And I wonder if the results would have been different had Hine’s partner Kym not injured herself.

So tonight I thought I’d share with you my random notes on the show. See, I take notes constantly while watching, and then drum it into a cohesive unit later. Usually. But. As I have to work at “dark thirty” tomorrow, I thought I’d do it differently this time, and share with you what I was jotting in “real time” while watching. Ya follow? Okee Dokee.

Let’s do bullet points. I like those …

  • The Black Eyed Peas I’ve finally understood their whole M.O. Feel good party music, plus weird costumes and lighted up background dancers equals Grammys.
  • Return of the Failed Contestants – I’ll never get these additional minutes back, ABC. Never. There’s a reason we voted these folks off, and we remember why.
  • Josh Groban I bet his song with Petra dancing was nice, but I’ll never know. The husband always makes gagging noises and turns the channel whenever Josh appears. For the sake of keeping the peace, I make concessions sometimes, I admit.
  • Chris Jericho and Wendy Wiliams do Comedy – Oh. Is that what it was? Yikes.
  • Maks, Lacey, Cheryl and Chelsie dance to the Go Go’s – Now who in their right mind wouldn’t want to see Maks dressed as a cop and getting his uniform ripped off to a great Go Go’s tune? Finally, I’m having some fun!
  • But then! – Some more dance recreations by past contestants. I have heartburn and chew Rolaids, while the husband changes to hockey. Don’tcha feel like you’re right here with me??
  • Now we’re talkin’! – The final dances for the judges scores. Of course, everyone gets a perfect ten. Why not? They’ve each worked hard, it’s a feel good night. The judges would look heartless otherwise.
  • Chelsea and Mark performed their (and my) favorite dance of the season, and it was impeccable.  Kirstie and Maks made a wise choice to showcase her dramatic weight loss and overall improvement by recreating their first cha-cha. And Hines and Kym are entertaining and charming as usual.
  • Which is When – My husband turns to me and says, “At this point, I hope Kirstie wins it, just to f@#k it all up!” Pretzels, anyone?
  • And finally – My girl Chelsea comes in third. Third?? Third??? I think my whole neighborhood heard me scream.

That’s when I went back and had to re-write the first paragraph. So, it just goes to show. You never know. And it just goes to show what it’s like to watch Dancing With the Stars minute by minute with me. Hey, I kind of like writing this way.

Until next season … may you have no wardrobe malfunctions, and your dances all be tens!

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – The finale!”

May 25, 2011 at 1:48 PM

(ROFLMMFAO) we all knew you were Mad as a Hatter long ago! :-)

But seriously, you had to know Hines was going to have enough hard core and competitive fans to insure he walked away with it, and was actually a pretty damn good dancer to boot!

Glad this season is over though, now if the Players and the NFL can get their heads out of places where the sun don’t shine and get Hines back into pads we can watch some real dance steps :)

May 26, 2011 at 1:13 PM

I really wanted Chelsea to win, too. She was by far the best dancer the whole season. And I loved that they did the Wizard Waltz again; it was one of my faves!

I didn’t watch a lot of the show; hubby fastforwarded through much before the final 3 dances, though he did stop to watch Kendra (big surprise). Oh and we watched the BEPs, with their worst song ever. Or nearly worst, I think there was one that really irritated me about being ‘in da club’ but this one was just plain lame, with the most redeeming part being the 8-bit renditions of the members on the video screen that they were blocking.

I figured if it wasn’t Chelsea, it would be Hines. The footballers get a pretty big following (Emmit, Warren, Jerry all did well). Yeah I think they probably got some extra sympathy votes due to Kym’s awful accident, but I think they may have taken it nonetheless. I’m really glad Kym’s ok, as she is one of my favorite dancers. I miss Julianne Hough though.

Anyway, I guess it’s time for the summer doldrums; all my series have wrapped up, save Doctor Who with one more ep next weekend, and finishing its short season in the fall. I wonder what to do without television?

June 8, 2011 at 4:41 PM

Hey Gurl,

I just got around to looking at this. We were at the beach during the finale week. My mom was with me and I think she had the same reaction as you. I thought she was going to throw something at the TV. Interesting, I think Kirstie looking uncomfortable when they were getting ready to annouce the winner. Guess she knew if she won people would get irritated.

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