CliqueClack TV

Modern Family – The best birthday ever

It's a clip show of sorts on the season finale of 'Modern Family,' in which we relive some of our favorite moments from season 2.

- Season 2, Episode 24 - "The One That Got Away"

While Modern Family‘s season finale wasn’t as laugh-out-loud funny as last week’s episode was, I loved it for a different reason: it had a ton of very familiar moments. Some were familiar to all of the viewers, but some rang pretty true to me: Cam’s move of “hey, remember my adorable baby whom you love? IT’S A MONSTER; PLEASE TAKE IT,” is something that I’m sure all parents have gone through. Although, I would assume that if your kid is a mute like Lily, it would probably happen less often for you than for other parents.

I also cringed at the setup for Claire and Mitch ending up in the tree, because, “it’s fine; we used to live here” is definitely the line of reasoning my dad would use for breaking into someone’s backyard and parking in a permit zone without a permit. It’s the worst.

Speaking of Claire, how many of you want to try that wine trick? That looked awesome. I’m too much of a wuss to actually try that myself, although if I were already a bottle of wine in, I may get a little braver with my second bottle…

The weak point for me was actually Phil’s run-in with Rob Huebel. I love Rob Huebel, but he’s become the go-to douche character for TV and movies now, that it’s just getting a little repetitive. Plus, I understand that Claire wasn’t around, but I still find the idea of Phil using Gloria as his hot wife when he’s already married to a hot lady to be a little annoying.

So even though I wasn’t wild about that, I did love the sweet note on which the show ended. Manny is usually the one to tug at the heart strings, and his gift to Jay was no exception. Plus, Mitch and Cam deciding to have another child was super sweet. I just wonder if this one will talk.

Of course, the greatest part of this episode was all of the references to other episodes throughout the season. Some of the references in Jay’s birthday video included, Haley’s slutty Halloween costume, Mitchell practicing for the flash mob, Clive Bixby, the broken step, Fizbo, Claire’s “Slow Down Your Neighbors” sign, and Luke’s chocolate milk with salt.

There were also a couple of references just in the episode too, including Jay’s love of Ludlum, baby cheeses, and Gloria finding her lost keys. Which ones did I miss?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Modern Family – The best birthday ever”

May 25, 2011 at 11:01 PM

This was one my least liked episodes. Very much like a clip show with various story lines thrown together.

The best part was Cam saying Lilly was a “monster”. Any parent can relate to that. However, wouldn’t it have been nice to at least hear a screaming “No” from Lilly as it would happen in reality? I guess its an “in” joke now not to have her talk, but you would think other than the one time she said “mama” that her vocabulary has increased. My child at 3 has a speech delay and yet she chats up a storm. Maybe they give her Jay’s special merlot to keep her quiet?

Also, have they run out of story for Cam and Mitch to have all of next season going through the adoption process? Are we going to have to go though wacky stores with adoption agencies, birth mothers and nutty social workers (topics lamely covered many times before – looking at you 30 Rock) and then they easily adopt in the season finale. The only thing that wont happen is one of them gets pregnant as they finalize the adoption. Ha!

This season overall was very uneven. It just seemed in many episodes some desperation to give everyone a part. Hope it will turn around for next season.

Maybe we can start a Facebook campaign “Let Lilly speak!”.

May 31, 2011 at 1:31 PM

Agreed about Rob Huebel! He also was on “The League” as the exact same kinda character.

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